Failed to Connect to MySQL at (no replies)
I know this has probably been answered a million times but I tried searching Google to no avail. So I had previously downloaded Workbench 5.2 back in December and had no problem jumping on, creating a...
View ArticleForward Engineer... (no replies)
Hello, I'm new to mysql and database programming. using workbench have created a server instance and err data modeling. I understand to create a data base, I have to select "forward engineer..." under...
View ArticleCannot create a new server instance in MySQL Workbench (no replies)
Hi gurus, I can't create a new server instance in Workbench 5.2.40 CE, the error is "Could not connect to target machine". The windows service "MySQL" is running. I'm logged on as Administrator. SO:...
View ArticleWorkBench - Host 'brazil.local' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL...
This same WorkBench can connect to 5.1 on another Ubuntu server. This 5.5 versionl will not allow it. However, I have complete access on shell account of this server. I have looked at 'user' table and...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 12.04 beta (no replies)
MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 12.04 beta
View ArticleCan't locate Overview Pane (3 replies)
I have a horrible feeling that this is a really stupid question but I can't seem to find the answer. I just installed MySQL Workbench (5.2.40) after having to rebuild my PC and the appearance is...
View Article"Could not open database" after Win 7 MySQL install (no replies)
Hi, I am running on: Win 7; workbench 5.2.40 R 8790. This is part of the MySQL download installer. This is a "Developer" install. I have just been through an uncomfortable install process for the...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench Pam Authentication (no replies)
I have configured the pam authentication for MySQL and that is working fine with "HeidiSQL" (MySQL Query Manager). However, I am not able to connect to the MySQL server using "MySQL Workbench" or...
View Articledefining tables with workbanch (no replies)
hello excuse me for mistakes ; i'm a new user and i've installed mysql 5.5.25 some day ago ; now i defined 2 tables in mydb schema - Model Overview ; wath can i do to use taths tables in Database-Sql...
View ArticleDuration vs. Fetch (1 reply)
What is the difference between Duration and Fetch in my Workbench Action Output pane? Can I use it to determine if one query is faster than another? I ask because I have a query that will typically...
View ArticleMoving from Microsoft SQL SERVER 7.0 to MYSQLSERVER 5.5 (no replies)
Hi, I've just moved from Microsoft SQL SERVER 7.0 to MYSQL SERVER 5.5 I've installed MYSQL SERVER 5.5 and MySql Workbench 5.2 CE I changed the version due to the new server I've bought to replace my...
View ArticleCreate Database (no replies)
Hi Friends, I am using MySql Workbench in my Mac lion. can anyone tell me. How to create database??How to connect with the server?? I have a .Sql file,How to execute that file to create tables??...
View Articleforeign key cascade / restrict / set null (no replies)
Hello! I have two InnoDB tables with a 1: n relationship links. How can I control the action of the foreign key? I always get the action 'no action'. Yours sincerely, Stephan
View ArticleConfiguration Options File not found... will be created on apply (no replies)
Running W7 64 with MySQL Workbench 5.2.40CE MySQL 5.5.16 service running on same machine. Clicking on "Options File" in Admin results in error (cannot find the my.ini file). Seems workbench is...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 5.2.41: Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser...
MySQL Workbench 5.2.41: Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser WB 5.2 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench - Database Migration Wizard (no replies)
Database Migration Wizard:,562787
View ArticleWorkbench for Windows - 64 bit? (6 replies)
My domain workstation runs Windows 7 Pro 64-bit with MS-Office 2010 64-bit, MS SQL Driver 64-bit, IBM Informix SDK Client 64-bit but since Workbench is a 32-bit app, when I launch the ODBC...
View Articlereferential integrity only 'no action'? (no replies)
Hello! I want to create the MySQL Workbench referential integrities. I have two tables InnoDB. Unfortunately I can not adjust the type of action. I always get 'no action'. What am I doing wrong? Yours...
View ArticleWriting to a text file from Workbench (3 replies)
Everyone, I am trying to write my output results from a Query to a text file. What I have done is as follows: 1. created a Select statement. 2. Click Plugins -> Utilities -> Execute Query Into...
View Articlemysqld vs. wampmysqld (no replies)
When I set up a server instance in Workbench: The service is correctly identified: wampmysqld (Running, Start mode: Auto) The path to configuration file is correctly identified When I click "Next", I...
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