"use defaults from global settings" (no replies)
In WB (8.0.16 on MacOS) in Model/Model Options, the [use defaults from global settings] option at the bottom is checked and so nothing can be altered. However, MySQL/Target MySQL Version is showing as...
View ArticleEER diagram relationship line placement (no replies)
I have my EER diagram all laid out, but one of the relationship lines insists on being drawn on the RHS of the 2 tables which are aligned vertically, meaning it crosses 2 other lines. It would be...
View Articleexcute string (no replies)
hello, I have the following problem in my code: ... SET @var = _startdate + INTERVAL 1 WEEK INTO _nextDate; SELECT @var; ... can someone help me?
View ArticleMultiple column foreign key index (no replies)
I have 2 Foreign Keys in a table, but need a multi-column index on both to enable rapid searching where both FKs are known. So one FK index can be on one of the FKs and then I'd need another index on...
View ArticleCannot Connect to DataBase Server (no replies)
I succeeded to start the mysql server by using CMD Admininstrator for MySQL Install and Initialize, checked that there is a running windows mysql service. Now when I open the Workbench it asks for a...
View ArticleEER Diagram connectors showing as White on White Background (no replies)
I am working on creating my EER diagram (via the reverse engineering of my mySQL database) in MySQL Workbench 8.0.15 build 14271522 CE 64bit on MacOS 10.14.5 When I create the diagram it uses white as...
View ArticleSynchronise comparison failure (no replies)
WB 8.0.16 on MacOS Simple problem, 3 examples. Forward Engineer the Model to the Server. Without changing anything, run Synchronise. Not only does it find imaginary differences in some tables, but 2...
View ArticleGenerated column NOT NULL (no replies)
Here we go again. Yet another WorkBench 'anomaly'. I have created a NOT NULL generated virtual column. I've used upper case to indicate another of WB's memory lapses. When I 'Forward Engineer' and...
View Articleimport tab delimited file with SET column data (no replies)
Doesn't work. I've imported several simple files ok, but this table has 3 columns, the last being a SET type. Using the data import wizard it would proceed apparently perfectly, but nothing was...
View Article8.0.16: Tab;es could not be fetched (1 reply)
Upgraded from 8.0.15 to 8.0.16 on Win 10. On both my databases, there are error messages in the left/Schemas column saying: Tables could not be fetched Views could not be fetched etc. In one of the...
View ArticleError Mysql Workbench save image diagramm (no replies)
Program: MySQL Workbench 8.0.16 OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 1903 Err-diagram have tool-bar button "place a new image". The Image is successfully added but after saving and closing document the image is...
View ArticleI was wondering how many months it gonna take for MySQL Workbench to come in...
There is no PPA available for us to download. Apt repository won't it yet. Flatpak has no sign of it. This is so unmanaged. Unlike Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft's VS code and thousands of other products...
View ArticleCannot create Upper case table name (no replies)
Good day. In my.ini I have this setting: lower_case_table_names=2 My Sql Workbench can see the correct my.ini file - I see it then click on Options file button. It shows 2 in the...
View ArticleWorkbench 8.0 - default database won't show up if no SHOW DATABASES privilege...
My organization does not grant SHOW DATABASES privilege to any user. So I put the database name I need to access into the "Default Schema" box in new connection configuration, and hoping the schema...
View ArticleDML: INSERT INTO Without List of Fields (1 reply)
MySQL Workbench 8.0.16 Hi all When you have to insert Data in a SQL Server Database in all the Fields of a Table, it is not necessary to indicate in parentheses the list of all the Fields of said...
View ArticleCan't edit table data without altering table first. (no replies)
I can't seem to find an answer to this. I see people asking why their table always shows up in read only mode. The answer usually is because the table doesn't have a primary key. It could also be...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 6.3 - Import Google Spreadsheet into MySQL Workbench (no...
Hello everyone, I would like to transfer automatically, thanks to a code, tables from a Google Spreadsheet in Google Drive to a new table into MySQL Workbench. For the moment, we do this manually...
View ArticleHow many years its going to take for Workbench to come in Ubuntu 19.04...
We can't "normally" install workbench in Ubuntu 19.04. i.e sudo apt install mysql-workbench But we can install mysql-server, and other products. i.e sudo apt install mysql-server, I wonder why...
View ArticleMySQL connector unable to detect installed Visual Studio redistributable (no...
Hi, I am trying to install the MySQL ODBC connector for Windows((mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.16-winx64.msi) and it keeps throwing the following error: This application requires Visual Studio 2015 X64...
View ArticleMySQL Tables could not be fetched (no replies)
I´m running a local server to learn a bit more about MySQL for my page but when i go to the schemas section, and I click the dropdown of a database, for half a second it says tables fetching... and...
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