Queries say they return rows, but no rows shown. Tables etc just show as...
Hi, I'm running the latest MySQLWorkbench 6.3.9 on MacOS 10.13. When I connect to a database remotely (over SSH) I can connect fine, but queries do not work. What seems to happen is that I'll execute...
View ArticleTable Data Columns and Foreign Keys are they redundent (no replies)
If I have a FOREIGN key in a table can the data in that key be accessed. Example I have in a table a column MFG-PART-NUM and I have a FOREIGN KEY added to the table which is the same as...
View ArticleWorkbench and Identifying and non Identifing Relationships (no replies)
I am attempting to understand the differences between non identifying and identifying relationships and how they work and when to use one over the other. It seems that it is the database desingers...
View Articleone to one relationship (no replies)
one to one relationship Table 1 parent Table 2 child Does this mean there can only be one row in both tables that connect to each other If table1 has 100 rows than table 2 has 100 rows? If its a...
View ArticleCan't setup and sturt up WB (dll missed error during installation) (no replies)
Hello. I had error during installation. Some dlls are missed. I have all required software Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package I fixed missed dll, now I...
View ArticleWorkbench Model Find and replace (no replies)
When working with a table in a MODEL is there a way to fo a find an replace on columns in the table Thanks
View ArticleCan’t connect to mySQL server on MAC (no replies)
The first time I installed mySQL on my MacBook. I forgot to save the password. I couldn’t connect to mySQL. I decided to remove everything and start again. But when I re-installed it, it didn’t offer...
View ArticleSELECT statements throw MySQL Workbench into an infinite loop under MacOS...
SELECT statements cause Workbench 6.3.9 to go into an infinite loop under MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra). This does not happen if the same SELECT is typed into the MySQL shell (i.e. run the mysql command...
View Article1:n Identifying keys (no replies)
I have a series of tables that are an inverted tree in the example Project is the start. When I link the table in a Model Diagram it appears to add the key to the higher table (one it links to) placed...
View ArticleWeird MySQL Model synchronization error (no replies)
(imgur domain)/mpmbiff.png Why do I get this weird error when trying to synchronise my model with the mysql database (v5.7.19, workbench v6.3.9)? As you can see from the screenshot, `table1_createdOn`...
View ArticleSQL Editor Safe Update Mode Setting in OS X (no replies)
I am new to MySQL and I've tried forum search as well as general Web search, but found no results for this question: Where the heck is the Safe Update mode setting in the OS X version of Workbench...
View ArticleWorkbench crash after model sync (no replies)
Workbench used to work like a charm and then started acting up at some point. At the time, being in the rush of a project, I didn't get to the bottom of it and started using another SQL client and now...
View ArticleAutomating export (no replies)
Hi there! MySQL Workbench is a great tool and I use it to develop my database. When I'm done, I use the "Export" menu to generate a "SQL CREATE Script" and a PNG of my ERR model. I do this over and...
View Article"Tables fetching..." error msg stuck (no replies)
Hi, I don't know what happen but when I opened the workbench I'm not able to see any table because when I expand the Table option it is getting stuck in "tables fetching.." However I can connect by...
View ArticleHow to have MySQL return date in different format? (no replies)
Working on a webiste using mySQL and it has been a long time since I've done this so I've got a lot of catchup to dd. Experimenting writing queries in Workbench community 6.3.9with MySQL 5.7x on a...
View ArticleTotal Duration from MySQL profiler much smaller than Duration shown in...
I turned on profiler in MySQL and run a query. I then examined both Workbench and profiler output. The Duration reported by Workbench is 0.373, while the total Duration from the profiler barely...
View ArticleWorkbench Migration API (no replies)
I have been trying to use the API in the MySQL shell for migration of an MSSQL database to a MySQL database by following the documentation generated by...
View ArticleHow to force an import/query to run without complaining? (no replies)
Hi guys, im new - just signed up after looking online for a few hours regarding this issue. So I'm coming from Sequel pro and there is an option when running CREATE/ALTER/INSERT queries to simply RUN...
View Articleedit data for json column with bigint (no replies)
I have a table named "t_flow_sheet",and it have a json type column named "FORM_JSON". when I run sql script: SELECT json_extract(FORM_JSON,"$.*.createTime") from t_flow_sheet LIMIT 1; Then I get a...
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