Channel: MySQL Forums - MySQL Workbench
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Multiple Schemas in Model (no replies)

When using a model you can have more than one schemas However, when you forward engineer the model the first schema is the data base and the other schema tables get added to that data base A separate...

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Workbench Pluging/Tools (no replies)

I am using workbench 6.3 and between Database Iand Scripting I have tools not Plugins so I am assuming that they are the same I have watched several youtube videos on workbench and they seem to have a...

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Workbench Table Column (no replies)

A clarification of how to use I create a table and add columns for each column I have check boxes PK NN UQ B UN ZF AI G If I select AI which autoincrements do I also need to check G for generate or is...

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Linking tables with EER (no replies)

Table material material_id_sys Primary key generated auto increment Table Prefered_Manufacture prefered_mfg_id_sys is the primary key which is auto generated and not used Material_id_fk links to the...

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How do I get Workbench 6.3.9 32bits (no replies)

Unless I am mistaken it would seem that Workbench 6.3.9 only exists as a 64 bits build ? Why is that ?

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table past date (no replies)

IS there a way I can see in workbench what columns did a table had in a past date...for example 5 days earlier,before any operation happened that altered it's structure.

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User Type List (no replies)

I create a model, a rather complex one and on the MYSQL Model Page Right Bottom is a screen with tab options, one of which is USER TYPES LIST In documentation and sample databases like sakila I see...

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Print table design (no replies)

Using the model after we have created tables and added columns is there a way to select a table and print it with call columns and the columns attributes

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Forward Engineer SQL Create Script. (no replies)

I created my entity relationship diagram and wanted to generate SQL create and insert statements. Unfortunantly the software only seems to generate the create scripts and there are no insert...

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workbench modeling schemas (no replies)

In a Modeling tab you can have more than one schema as a test I created 2 schemas hand created tables for each when I forwared engineered the model all the tables from both schemas had tables creaded...

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ERR Diagram Duplicate Tables (no replies)

What are the dangers of having duplicate tables in the ERR Diagram I have tables related to a lot of tables with different functions and having duplicate tables would allow for less cluter

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Column Constrants (no replies)

I need to understand how to add constrants to a column Like A table is a child and when a recoreded is inserted into the table there is an entry in the parent table A columm value is in a list like...

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workbench moving columns up in table (no replies)

when adding columns to tables they get addredd at the end, sometimes we will added a lot of colums, example address, its a pain moving them up one at a time is there any way to move a block of fileds...

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Workbench Model Compositte Primary Key (no replies)

I have a table with 3 colums that I wnat to combine to make it a primary key How do I do this in the model

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Set default timezone for mysql client (no replies)

I have a MySQL database that stores time in UTC. However, when I connect to it using MySQL Workbench I would like to see time in PST. I know I can use tz_convert to convert individual columns to PST....

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Cursor result in multiple result tab (no replies)

Hello, This is my first week in mysql Workbench. I have ran a cursor which gives me around 500 rows. But the in workbench i get each row in a new result tab. How can i get all the rows in the same...

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Linking Tables (no replies)

I have a device table that has a mix of devices, by that I mean some IP devices that have a mac address and some that do not. I have another table "IP Addresses" that have a row for each IP device...

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unable to import JSON file in Workbench (no replies)

I am unable to import JSON files into my database. I have tried 4 different JSON files, all unsuccessful. Below are examples of the types of errors I have received: "09:32:25 [ERR][ pymforms]:...

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Gkr-Message: couldn't connect to dbus session bus (no replies)

I'm getting the error below when attempting launch mysql-workbench on Centos 7. I thought I used it a few months ago and I'm wondering if I'm getting the error because it cannot connect to the remote...

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Table Relationships (no replies)

Trying to understand the concept of table relationships and non-identifying and identifying relationships 2 related tables "Code Table" and "MATERIALL Table" Code table has a primary key...

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