Hello, I have a problem with mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.47-win32-noinstall.
I use Windows 10 home 64-bit and with my collegues I use Mysql Workbench of this version, when I try to unzip the folder contained in the downloaded file from this website, I click on the exe but nothing appears on the screen.
I tryed compatibility mode to win8 and also adminsitrator rights and to deactivate my antivirus/firewall.
I try to update Net Framework and Visual C Redistributable.
Can you help me? Is ita possible that XAMPP creates problems?
Thank you.
I use Windows 10 home 64-bit and with my collegues I use Mysql Workbench of this version, when I try to unzip the folder contained in the downloaded file from this website, I click on the exe but nothing appears on the screen.
I tryed compatibility mode to win8 and also adminsitrator rights and to deactivate my antivirus/firewall.
I try to update Net Framework and Visual C Redistributable.
Can you help me? Is ita possible that XAMPP creates problems?
Thank you.