Hi there,
I try to use MySQL Workbench 5.2.25 for my Bachelor-Thesis to show the table relations inside my databse.
The problem I got is that I cant directy see which Foreign Key references to which column of the foreign table.
Ok, when I hover the Line i can see that the columns are now beeing highlighted.
That's really nice but how can I see this on my PDF output of the EER Diagram?
I only see there actually is a relation but I don't see which Columns.
Thanks in advance!
I try to use MySQL Workbench 5.2.25 for my Bachelor-Thesis to show the table relations inside my databse.
The problem I got is that I cant directy see which Foreign Key references to which column of the foreign table.
Ok, when I hover the Line i can see that the columns are now beeing highlighted.
That's really nice but how can I see this on my PDF output of the EER Diagram?
I only see there actually is a relation but I don't see which Columns.
Thanks in advance!