Channel: MySQL Forums - MySQL Workbench
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datebase synchronize model not support json field? (no replies)

when i use mysqlworkbench to synchronize model, my table has a json field , i found the table name mappding is wrong, that cause synchronize model wrong.

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No edit option in Result Grid (no replies)

I am unable to add, edit or delete data from the result grid in MySql workbench version:5.7

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Mysql (no replies)


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Install mysql-utilities in debian jessie, error (no replies)

Hi, I have installed a Debian 8.5 (jessie). To install samba it needs the sid in the repository. installing mysql server and client can be done in apt (or Synaptic), but the workbench seems to be...

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How can one disable the mouse wheel zoom for the Sql Editor? (no replies)

All -- Please help a newbie. How can one disable the mouse wheel zoom for the Sql Editor? Thanks. -- Mark Kamoski

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How to connect to a database (1 reply)

Hi All , This is my first post on this forum. I have installed MySQL Workbench. Can someone please tell me as how can i connect to a database. When i click on the new connection i have the following...

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not all of my snippets show up in sidebar (1 reply)

I just upgraded from MySQL Workbench 6.1.4 to 6.3.7 I had several snippets created. Now, only the first one shows up in the My Snippets sidebar. I have compared the files "User Snippets.txt" from my...

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Error while loading shared libraries: libgdkmm-2.4.so.1 (no replies)

I'm trying to open MySQL Workbench and I can't because I got this message every time: /usr/bin/mysql-workbench-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgdkmm-2.4.so.1: cannot open shared object...

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icon/menu size (1 reply)

In the preferences, I see I can change the size of the SQL Editor, Resultset Grid, Scripting Shell, and Script Editor, but I want to know if I can change the font size of the panels/menus. I don't...

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Commands out of sync (3 replies)

I'm running Workbench 6.3.6 against MySQL 5.7.x on Windows 7. Executing a stored procedure I've executed hundreds of times before, but perhaps last before I upgraded to this particular MySQL...

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Displaying Emojis In MySQL Workbench (1 reply)

Hi, I'm using MySQL Workbench 6.3.3 build 511 CE (64 bits). - I have a schema, S, with the "utf8mb4" collation. - In that schema, I have a table, T, with the "utf8mb4" collation. - In that table, I...

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Entity Relationship Diagram (1 reply)

What's up!! I would like to know if is there a way to autogenerate the Database from the ER Diagram. Everywhere you can find the reverse way, but I prefer to analyze and push any button on the...

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Workbench 6.3 and SQL Server 2000 Migration (no replies)

I'm looking into migrating a very old SQL Server 2000 database instance to MySQL. I've been trying to do the migration with Workbench 6.3 but it seems as though it has dropped the compatibility with...

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MySQL Migration Wizard results in 'Found record bigger than...

I am trying to migrate a database from MSSQL 2014 to MySQL 5.7 using Workbench 6.3 (CE) on a Windows machine. I have already set the value of max_allowed_packet to 1G in my.ini file. However, I'm...

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Local instance pointing to remote host? (2 replies)

Hello, this is my first post, so please be patient. I got a server which uses a mysql db; my intention was to create a local copy of the db to my pc, to do some queries and don't risk to touch the...

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Problems importing to remote server (1 reply)

Hi, I'm trying to import a self contained file script using the import feature, but I can't. I connect to the database normaly using a user and password. When I try to import the script, after a few...

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option file error (no replies)

When i press Option File link i get a dialog box Configuration file did not contain section [mysqld], so a new one was added. If that is not correct, please fix the section name in the Server Instance...

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Multiple-Column Indexes - Error 1070: Too many key parts specified; max 16...

Hello everyone, my compliments! I designed a table on mysql workbench EER Diagram. A table with 36 columns: 17 columns are own from the table 19 columns are Foreign Keys As Indexes the table has: 1....

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Panel with file explorer to open SQL scripts (no replies)

It would be interesting to have a panel with a file explorer to open and manage project folders with SQL scripts. In addition to an option to export procedures, functions, triggers, and views into...

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Unable to connect to remote Linux server with Workbench (no replies)

I have tried connecting with my VirtualBox Linux server with MySQL Workbench and have not been successful. I have been able to connect to it through Mac Terminal app using ssh connection. I have all...

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