Unable to run workbench (no replies)
I can't seem to run work bench at all. The messages keeps telling me I need to install v4.0 of the .net framework after already installing it. I installed the one that was listed as a prerequisite for...
View ArticleAbout insert Japanese language record (no replies)
My English is so poor because I write Japanese. Sorry. MySQLの勉強をしています。 MySQL Workbenchに日本語の文字レコードをinsertすると、SELECTした際の表示が文字化け(?と表示)されてしまいます。 どうすればSELECTしても日本語のレコードが正しく日本語で表示されるかご教授いただきたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。
View ArticleDELETE null value (no replies)
I'm trying to delete the entire row that is null. One of my class assignments is creating views and one of the views is to have a list limit of 10. Well, with the null row showing up, it is included...
View Article6.3 SSL Wizard (no replies)
Attempting to use the SSL Wizard with or without the default parameters selected errors out with a meaningless message Creating CA certificate... Could not generate keys Has anyone been successful in...
View ArticleImport connections with script (no replies)
Hello, I am looking for a way to automatically add and eventually remove connection with a script in workbench. We have a lot of virtual machine deploy automatically and for each, a random password...
View ArticleI can't start Workbench for Mac (no replies)
Hi guys, I' m Sergio and I have a problem with the Workbench for Mac. I have OsX El Capitan 10.11.2, (the 'latest version). The installati in goes well, but when I try to run the program I get an...
View ArticleInstalling WorkBench on Mac (Yosemite) (no replies)
Hi All, I've recently downloaded and installed the following: mysql-5.5.47-osx10.9-x86_64.dmg mysql-workbench-community-6.3.6-osx-x86_64.dmg I was after a simple database to practice on. Needless to...
View ArticleOracle to Mysql migration (no replies)
Hi I am trying to convert an oracle database to mysql, I am using the workbench migration tool I can connect to my oracle database and to the mysql database when it goes off to find the cat/schemas...
View ArticleWB 6.3.6. Data Export (1 reply)
I got an "An unhandled exception occured global name 'self' is not defined Everytime I tried to open it, on Windows 10, WIn7 64 Bit don't which MySQL Server Version I'm connected to. Does anybody know...
View ArticleMigration on Workbench (no replies)
Yes, I can can connect to the MsSQL database and the target database in MySQL. However, when I get to the Schema page on Workbench it doesn't display anything so I cannot move onto the next screen....
View ArticleIs it possible to create a MariaDB in MySQL Workbench? (1 reply)
Hi, The company I am working for are investigating into moving from SQL Server Management Studio to MariaDB. I've looked into some of the GUI's for MariaDB and it looks like I can use MYSQL Workbench....
View ArticleUpdate not working (no replies)
hello, i have 6.2 version so i click to 'check for update' menu but i get this message 'Mysql workbench is up to date' ???? If i download manually th 6.3.6 will i loose all my connections...
View ArticleMS Acces Migration Isue (no replies)
I get the error below but not sure what to do to overcome it. Haveing had a look at other errors in these forums I do not have any foreign characters MYSQL workbench build 592 32 bit...
View ArticleInstalling Workbench on Mac startup crash issue (1 reply)
I installed MySQL Workbench on my Macbook running version 10.7.5. When I launch the app I get the error message below. Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded:...
View ArticleInvalid use of group function (2 replies)
Hey there. I've been googling this for a while but I honestly can't find what's wrong with my query, so here I am. This is the query I'm trying to make work: select dept_no from emple group by...
View ArticleMYSQL Workbench New Syntax Error - 6.3.6 (no replies)
Hello, I updated recently to Workbench 6.3.6 and now I am getting the syntax error for all stored procedures with the following syntax: BEGIN GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 code = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, msg...
View ArticleCan't connect using ssh key (2 replies)
I'm trying to connect from Windows 10 to Ubunutu 14.04. The connection appears to get as far as logging on to the machine, but it doesn't connect to the database. I know I'm using the correct...
View ArticleMySQL workbench Internal Error when connecting to server (1 reply)
Whenever I connect to my MySQL server with MySQL Workbench, I receive the message "Internal Error Exception caught while processing action from home screen: Permission denied creating lock file"....
View ArticleMySQL WB v5.2.x - logging in issue (4 replies)
I searched for help with "logging in" to the MySQL WB tool and did not find anything, so I am posting for assistance. My company uses MySQL WB v5.2 CE and I access it via a Remote Desktop. After...
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