Top Bar Error (no replies)
Hi guys, am having issues with the topbar. First when i reduce the size of the window and i click on the topbar it doesnt drop down. Second, theres an extra bar added to the topbar. The code is below....
View ArticleIs this a simple database or am I barking up the wrong tree (no replies)
I have been asked to design and implememnt a website database for my wife who is starting a new business. I am strictly an amateur. Customer 'a' can view details about customer 'b' on line free....
View Articlecoded a button group default (no replies)
Got a Big problem here.. I've coded a button group to either Submit or Reset a form. It seems to work at least on Mac in Safari & Chrome, but I'm concerned that my coding of it might not be quite...
View ArticleManual (1 reply)
I have workbench 6.0, I'm looking for documentation. Anyone has any suggestions which manual I can use to get started.
View ArticleMySQL Workbench pauses every 10 seconds to auto-save (1 reply)
Hi, I'm experiencing severe issues with frequent pausing while using MySQL Workbench... it's apparently doing an auto-save of all open tabs (regardless of whether they've changed or not) every 10...
View Articlenube: errors on schema displays (1 reply)
I have a mysql database on a linux box and workbench on Apple iOS. I am able to connect to the database and see the database, tables, and columns in the left panel. However, when I double click on a...
View ArticleUnable to establish over SSH on OSX unless I use Admin account (no replies)
I have found that the SSH tunnel does not establish if I used Workbench from an account on on my Mac that is not the 'Admin' account. It's not a SSH problem as I can SSH via terminal command. I...
View ArticleObject Browser /Database list do not show (no replies)
Hi, I have a fresh new MySQL install on fedora 20, I added a user with all privileges, exactly as the root and able to login from any where. I fire MySQL workbench 6.1 on the Linux box using root for...
View ArticleHow do I deselect in EER? (no replies)
I've been trying to use this, but my frustration level is getting pretty high. How do I deselect selected objects in the EER Diagram window? Occassionally, I will move a table from one place to...
View Articlestop /start mysql server from workbench (1 reply)
When i click stop server button in workbench it automatically start the sever back up straightaway im running windows 8 is thee any fix to this
View Articlecreate index in referenced tables in SQL Export (1 reply)
Hi I am using Workbench v. 6.1.4. and created some ER schemas. Exorting them to SQL has the problem that the foreign Key does not have an index per default. Running on the database creates an errror...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 6.1.7 download page error (no replies)
Hi all, in the download page i see "Ubuntu Linux 14.04 (x86, 64-bit), DEB" link, this is only for 64 bit package, no link for the 32 bit package. Where's that link ? Does exists a 32 bit DEB for...
View Articleworkbench translation i10n to French (no replies)
Hi, I may have missed it. Is WB community edition supposed to be translated of support any foreign language? It would be great if I could setup it in French. Especially useful for screenshoting and...
View ArticleWorkbench connection and mysql service (3 replies)
Hello, I installed mysql on a server and during the process it asked to name the service which, as a newbie, wasn't' clear to me and I named it appMySQL (for example) and everything works ok. The...
View ArticleExport to excel not working in workbench 6.0 (no replies)
Export to excel from output/resultset grid is not working in my workbench 6.0 communiity edition. It gives output in xml instead of excel option selected. Kindly let me know what to do to export...
View Articlemysql workbench 6.0 gets close by using short cut key : ctrl + shift + Enter...
When I am going to execute sql query by using short cut key : ctrl + shift + Enter, my workbench gets close some times and some times it works fine and give o/p. Version : 6.0 community edition os :...
View ArticleHow to create view list only fields of a table? (no replies)
i refer and realized syntax "SHOW COLUMNS FROM mydb.mytable;" shows many fields how can i create a view which smart enough to list Table |...
View ArticleMissing 'Management' setup (1 reply)
My workbench is currently missing options in 'management' tab (as shown below) There is no problem with the connection...
View ArticlePython plugin errors when loading: packages not supported? (no replies)
Hello, I'm currently refactoring a ~10000 Python plugin into several modules. I was also starting to use packages, which are basically subdirs in the user modules directory. After having installed the...
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