How to see data in tables from sakila (1 reply)
I have downloaded sakila but unable to see the tables data. What can I do?
View ArticleOught to return all down (1 reply)
By 7pm on weekday European country may well be crowning champions that are not either port or Real Spanish capital for the primary time in a very decade.Atletico have the chance to be the primary club...
View ArticleStuck in the Middle of Things (no replies)
View ArticleChange Result Grid appearance (no replies)
Is there any way i could change the default column display width in the Result Grid in Mysql Workbench 6.1? Please take a look at this: DATETIME values do not fit in the...
View ArticleManaged Connections in Folder (1 reply)
Hello, it would be nice, if i could Managed my connection in Folders to specifi Projects Connections in different Folders like winscp.
View ArticleWill Connector/ODBC work with mySQL workbench (3 replies)
I'm very new to using MySQL workbench (windows 8) and would like to know if the Connector/ODBC driver will allow me to access the schemas within Workbench from the SAS software windows application. If...
View ArticleGetting the grt module import into the IDE (PyCharm) (4 replies)
Hello, I'm currently transitioning a Python plugin into a more managable project. For this matter I got myself an IDE named PyCharm. There's the following import: import grt It gives me an error...
View ArticleImport Data from CSV to MYSQL (1 reply)
Hi All I have very simple requirement but bit new to mysql so dont know much about it. In my table 'Test_Table', I have 20 columns which will store client's product details. I will ask Clients to...
View ArticleUpdate a view in Workbench (1 reply)
Hi, Is it possible to edit views in Workbench the way it is possible to edit tables? I have a view 'v' that I can UPDATE or INSERT - verified in the command line client. However, a 'select * from v'...
View ArticleWorkbench not capitalizing keywords (no replies)
I'm using MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for Windows version 6.1.4 revision 11773 build 1454 (Community Server). I went into Edit>Preferences>SQL Editor and checked the 'Use UPPERCASE keywords...
View ArticleHow to create EER diagram (no replies)
Hello everyone. I'm absolutely beginner don't know how to use mysql workbench. I only use mysql-workbench for EER diagram. I had another version installed before mysql-workbench 6.1. on my previous...
View ArticleFighting an uphill battle (no replies)
Fighting an uphill battle hardly ever gets you a victory-- and even if you do win in content, you could lose a lot of respect in the eyes of your fellow editors. (But if you are in the right, that is...
View Articlegreat serye (no replies)
View Articlegreat ertyet (no replies)
View Articlegaer t (no replies)
View ArticleAlt + x not working while typing txt (1 reply)
Hello. As topic says. Cant produce "ΕΊ" in mysql workbench. It is polish alphabet, alt + x. Keyboard set as polish programmer mode.
View ArticleDump Values (1 reply)
I'm using v6.1, is it possible to include dump values when I Export->Forward Engineer SQL CREATE SCRIPT, ? How do I do it?
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