Channel: MySQL Forums - MySQL Workbench
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EVENT names based on query (no replies)

How can I create a new EVENT with a dynamic name based on a query? My intention is to send out notifications based on a date and time. Each time a record is added to a table it should trigger to...

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Failed connection when testing connection to localhost (no replies)

Hello I am a newbie in database and MySql, i have been recently learning QT (C++), and was hoping to create a database that i can query from my QT GUI, so i installed MySQL workbench . My OS is...

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Which versions of MySQL with Workbench 6.0.9 connect to? (1 reply)

I've looked through the docs and release notes, but don't see any mention as to which versions of mysql I can conenct to with Workbench 6.0.9. I think we're on 5.5.23 and I want to make sure that I...

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MySQL Workbench 6.1: Server Variables grouping (no replies)


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MySQL Workbench 6.1: Performance Schema Reports (no replies)


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Connecting to remote server (1 reply)

I can't get started at all with Workbench, because I cant get past the set up new connection page!!! It asks for Hostname, and Username but these don't relate to my phpmyadmin settings I use with my...

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Performance problem with WB 6.0.9 and Opensuse 12.3 (no replies)

I've installed Mysql Workbench 6.0.9 on Opensuse 12.3 but for some reason when creating for example empty project, workbench starts to slowdown and freeze. E.g I can create couple of tables without...

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run MySQL Workbench on SLES 11 or openSUSE (1 reply)

Hi, which version to use with SUSE distro? Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Oracle Linux Tried RH to no avail, kind regards, Toni

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data between loginc (no replies)

Hi All, I have table JobOrader it has 5 columns like (jo_no, jo_type, jo_release, jo_date, jo_livedate) Using mysql i am counting the jo_type like below select jo_no,jo_date,jo_livedate,count(*) from...

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After upgrade to MySQL Workbench 6: error1406. Data too long for column (no...

Hi I have the following situation: In my DB I have a stored procedure which copies data from one table/view to another table. Source and Target fields are identical with identical length. I executed...

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MySQL Workbench 6.1 is GA! (no replies)

http://mysqlworkbench.org/2014/03/mysql-workbench-6-1-4-ga-has-been-released/ http://mysqlworkbench.org/2014/03/mysql-workbench-6-1-server-variables-grouping/...

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MySQL Workbench 6.1: Performance Dashboard, Visual Explain (no replies)


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firebird to mysql using workbench (1 reply)

Trying to migrate form Firebird to MySql using Workbench 6.1 on a XP box. FireBird ODBC = Firebird/Interbase() version MySql ODBC = MySql ODBC 5.1 Driver version Wuen testing...

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Workbench 6.1 ... stoopid noob question (2 replies)

Downloaded and installed; but when I try to start the system, I get an error about the connection being refused. What am I missing?

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Connection issue in latest 6.13/6.14 (2 replies)

I found that the latest 2 versions (6.13, 6.14) cannot connect to my MySQL server (5.0.26) in a stable way. It very often reported Lost Connection or Connection has been closed when a query is...

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How can i solve this error on MySQL Workbench 6.1: "Runtime Error: Unable to...

I just installed MySQL workbench 6.1 on my win7 64 bit system. I successfully created and tested a MySQL connection. However, each time i open the SQL editor for this connection and select server...

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"Generate Catalog Diff Report" Not in the Menu (2 replies)

I have tried MySQL Workbench 6.1 and 5.2 for both Windows and Mac, but I have not been able to find any option that looks like this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-database-diff-report.html...

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Phpmyadmin noob: show complete field when editing (no replies)

Migrating from phpmyadmin,I see you can show a table's data and can double click a field to edit it. But is there a way to show a single record's data in a larger view where you can see the full...

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Bookmarks misisng in Workbench? (1 reply)

I've decided that the time has come to move from Query Browser to Workbench, I've put it off for long enough. But one of the first things I noticed, is that there doesn't appear to be a 'Bookmarks'...

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safe update error even with key column in WHERE (no replies)

I get the 1175 error message about Safe Updates even when I use a key column in the WHERE clause. What am I doing wrong? I know about how to turn safe updates off (a preference then reconnect). But I...

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