Server Running but instance is stopped and cant' start it? (no replies)
Hi, I"m going through the 5.6 manual step by step and find that after making an new instance the "Server Status" "Status" says it is running. But in the "Startup/Shutdown" tab it says: "The database...
View ArticleWhat does it mean to have a connection without an instance? (1 reply)
Hi, I installed mysql 5.6 and played around with the command line and created a database and a simple table. Then I went through the 5.6 manual and it had me first create a server instance. What are...
View Articlestorage engine (1 reply)
from where in the workbench I can see the storage engine of a table
View ArticleMissing Overview/output/history/snippets from 5.2.47 (1 reply)
Hi, I'm trying to follow this page for the workbench manual but I don't seem to have any of those tabs shown in the example...
View ArticleWorkbench Catalog Tree problem (1 reply)
Hi, there is a problem with my workbench EER Diagram. The Catalog Tree have three databases, but there must be only one. How to move tables from one database to another or how to delete the extra...
View ArticleTrying to start wrong service name (no replies)
I just installed MySQL server along with Workbench. The first time I tried name the service "MySQL CM" but wouldn't accept the space between and reduced to "MySQLCM" and it worked. Upon opening...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 6.0 – A Sneak Preview (no replies)
MySQL Workbench 6.0 – A Sneak Preview
View ArticleWorkbench not opening (no replies)
Installed latest MySQL on win 2003 server with full install. When I try to open the editor I get a window that opens and closes saying the editor is opening but it never does. I have seen this issue...
View ArticleError Starting Wokbench Administrator (no replies)
I installed MySQL Community Edition 5.6.11 (MySQL Workbench CE 5.2.47) on my Windows 7 system. However whenever I click on Server Administration -> Manage Security I get the following error: Error...
View ArticleObject browser and Schema privileges (no replies)
Hi All, I currently have a server running and I am able to connect to it with the user name and password I have created. I was also able to create a database using an existing .sql file provided to me...
View ArticleNewbie Trying to Expedite Query (no replies)
I have a MySQL 5.6 database with one table called "history". I'm using it to monitor outputs of hardware elements. There are 650 columns. I know, lots of columns, but there are hundreds of inputs to...
View Articleremapping keyboard shortcuts (1 reply)
Is there a way to remap keyboard shortcuts on OS X?
View ArticleI can't get dropdown menus working in mySQL workbench (no replies)
Hi everyone. I'm quite new to mySQL, been learning it for about three weeks now. I started using just command line commands, then phpMyadmin and now I've installed mySQL Workbench, wich I find easier...
View ArticleHow to use EDIT syntax in nem Workbench?! (no replies)
I used to use "EDIT TABLE WHERE ID = xxx" but in new Workbench this like of command gets me an error. Is there a way to edit table data informing the ID of the register that I want do change? I dont...
View ArticleDependency issue while installing Workbench 5.2.47 (no replies)
Hi, I have MySQL 5.6 installed on Fedora 17 and while installing Workbench 5.2.47 the installer keeps on giving me dependency resolution errors as follows: MySQL-client conflicts with...
View ArticleCannot add or edit data in view (no replies)
Hi, Sorry if this is a newbie issue, but I have been googling it all day and can't figure it out. I am using MySQL Workbench 5.2.47 on windows 8. I am trying to create a view that is editable. I have...
View ArticleCreate and use a cursor? (no replies)
I'm trying to find an example of how to create SQL code I can run in a query tab in MySQL Workbench that uses a cursor to retrieve a recordset then process some data from that recordset. I've used...
View ArticleImport Export (no replies)
Trying to get into Manage Import / Export in the WOrkbench but getting an error Cannot Open Administrator The selected server instance does not have a MySQL server connection assigned and cannot be...
View Articleuse ~/.my.cnf for database credentials when connecting via SSH (1 reply)
Im' trying to use Workbench to connect to remote servers via SSH. This works, except it doesn't seem to read the database user/password from ~/.my.cnf on the target machine. Is there any way to get...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 6.0: BETA 1 released (no replies)
MySQL Workbench 6.0: BETA 1 released - WB 6.0 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...
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