Work Bench for Windows Vista 64 (1 reply)
I have a windows vista 64 byte machine Will MySql Workbench work in this environment Also were is the download The current ones I see are for 32 bit machine
View Articleconnection cancelled (no replies)
workbench 5.2.44 CE connecting (or trying to connect) to MySQL DB server 5.5.28. sql development cannot connect. it says connection cancelled. researched in this forum and on web and have tried...
View ArticleOption file diabled (3 replies)
I use Workbench and click on Sever administration and go to options file. it is disabled. I have root user rights and I installed MySQL server. I would like to know how I can enable the option file...
View ArticleManage Server instance (2 replies)
I wanted to add my configure file and go to manager server instance page from WorkBench. The System Profile tab is disabled that I can not edit any information on the tab. Please advise where I can...
View ArticleStartup and shutdown (1 reply)
I think that I lost admin rights of the MySQL. Startup and Shutdown option is disabled. I tried to go to Stratup and Shutdown and I got message is "Remote Administration is diasabled. To use this...
View ArticleTrying to install MySQL Workbench (no replies)
I am trying to install the latest version of MySQL Workbench for Linux from source. I ran through configure until I had satisfied all of the package requirement and then typed 'make'. It ran for a...
View ArticleNeed help with SQL statements (no replies)
1) MYsql workbench 5.2 CE 2) Windows 7 3) Local server 4) Statement creation. Since the beggining of me starting to study SQL, I've been having trouble. I need to write statements. my relations are :...
View Articleauto commands (2 replies)
Hey there. I am coming over from using MySql Queery Browser, which I loved for the simple fact that so much was automated for me such as selecting what fields to query and hw to order them at the...
View ArticleSuper-sized text in Query area of SQL Editor - unless opened in low-res (OSX...
I recently upgraded to MacBook Pro retina and found out I needed to "open in low resolution" due to some screen coordinate bug. After that, I upgraded to the latest version of Mysql WB. I once again...
View ArticleRestoring routines from dump file (9 replies)
Using Win7 x64 Pro SP2 MySQL 5.1.45-community Mysql workbench 5.2.44 I was having trouble running the sql file resulting from a mysqldump --routines run. The dump worked without errors, and the sql...
View ArticleWhat MySQL 5.0 Features are Not Supported By Workbench? (4 replies)
Hello: In the MySQL workbench documentation (I have version 5.2.44 CE) it says that Workbench 5.2 is compatible with MySQL 5.0 but not all features of MySQL 5.0 are supported. I have searched...
View Articlecreate relationship between 2 tables from diferent 2 databases (1 reply)
Hello, I want to make relationship(1:n) for two tables from diferent databases and i didn't find information about this. I want to do this because i wish to have the query response to be under 5ms....
View ArticleMySql Workbench: Database Forward Engineer generating Msql Syntax Errors (2...
I am using MySql Workbench 5.2.44 under Ubuntu 11.04 with MySql version 5.1.61-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 When I try to forward engineer my database I get the following errors and I can't figure out the...
View ArticleWorkbench will not start (5 replies)
I had an older version of Workbench, which was working fine, but which I uninstalled along with the rest of Mysql because of critical problems with the database. I reinstalled the latest community...
View Articlerestoring from previous version of workbench (no replies)
I had mysql installed on a MacBook Pro and had built tables and working merrily upon my way. In an effort to accomplish another task (getting a subversion client to work under eclipse) I THINK there...
View ArticleIncorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' for column (no replies)
Hi, I have one column in my db table with type as DATETIME, So when I do not insert value for the column it get inserted as 0000-00-00 00:00:00. But when I try to change anything from Mysql workbench,...
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