MySQL client program MySQL Workbench 5.2 (3 replies)
I am having a problem here with MySQL Workbench 5.2. I am able to connect to MySQL server on a Linux machine (Ubuntu) however the connection fails on Windows Vista and Windows 7 using exactly the same...
View ArticleWorkbench error line (4 replies)
Hi, I loaded a 3Mb SQL to Workbench. Running the script, it made some errors but didn't give me any info about what is the code line that error happened. How can I get the code line number that caused...
View ArticleUsing WHERE IN (4 replies)
I'm trying to execute an insert query where I do a select and select the records where userId is in the userIds I pass in. This works in the query editor: INSERT INTO Table1(DisciplineId, UserId)...
View ArticleImport UML class design (no replies)
I have an UML EA design created in SparxSystems Enterprise Architect tool. Is it possible to import that design into MySQL Workbench ? I can't seem to find any UML import but perhaps someone has...
View Articleauto commands (no replies)
Hey there. I am coming over from using MySql Queery Browser, which I loved for the simple fact that so much was automated for me such as selecting what fields to query and hw to order them at the...
View ArticleSuper-sized text in Query area of SQL Editor - unless opened in low-res (OSX...
I recently upgraded to MacBook Pro retina and found out I needed to "open in low resolution" due to some screen coordinate bug. After that, I upgraded to the latest version of Mysql WB. I once again...
View ArticleWhat MySQL 5.0 Features are Not Supported By Workbench? (2 replies)
Hello: In the MySQL workbench documentation (I have version 5.2.44 CE) it says that Workbench 5.2 is compatible with MySQL 5.0 but not all features of MySQL 5.0 are supported. I have searched...
View Articlecreate relationship between 2 tables from diferent 2 databases (no replies)
Hello, I want to make relationship(1:n) for two tables from diferent databases and i didn't find information about this. I want to do this because i wish to have the query response to be under 5ms....
View ArticleRestoring routines from dump file (7 replies)
Using Win7 x64 Pro SP2 MySQL 5.1.45-community Mysql workbench 5.2.44 I was having trouble running the sql file resulting from a mysqldump --routines run. The dump worked without errors, and the sql...
View ArticleMySql Workbench: Database Forward Engineer generating Msql Syntax Errors (1...
I am using MySql Workbench 5.2.44 under Ubuntu 11.04 with MySql version 5.1.61-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 When I try to forward engineer my database I get the following errors and I can't figure out the...
View ArticleDownload A Late Quartet Movie 2012 All Formats (no replies)
Download A Late Quartet Movie 2012 All Formats Enjoy this movie streaming source and watch your most wanted movies now. The fast and A Late Quartete way to watching your most favorite movies in High...
View ArticleWorkbench will not start (no replies)
I had an older version of Workbench, which was working fine, but which I uninstalled along with the rest of Mysql because of critical problems with the database. I reinstalled the latest community...
View ArticleMySql Workbench - grey screen (no replies)
When I start workbench, I get a grey screen. No controls, no menus, no nothing. Just a grey screen. In the console I see this: ./mysql-workbench Initializing AdvancedSidebar factory method...
View Articledoes it sync only the new additions (1 reply)
I'm thinking about using a MySQL database to store information on a website. I want to download the content of the database to my local computer, and use it. I found that it is possible to sync two...
View ArticleWorkbench runnign on Windows; mySQL runnign on UNIX; possible (2 replies)
Is it possible to connect from a Workbench running on a Windows machine to a MySQL database running on a Unix machine ? if YES:.. how ? (any hints ?)
View ArticleNeed Help with configuration for workbench sql-mode (no replies)
The error I had received is, IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Program Files\\MySQL Server 5.0\\my.ini' I downloaded 5.2.44 for workbench and i'm running on window 7.
View ArticleMODERATOR PLEASE DELETE (no replies)
Hello Sorry I posted in Newbie Workbench when it should have been Newbie Usage. I cannot see how to delete. Thank You GraHal
View ArticleMySql errors (no replies)
Everything seemed to be running fine on a fresh install of FreeBSD 9.0, Apache 2.2.22, MySql 5.5.27, PHP 5.3.17. That was when I moved hardware around, which included powering down the server and to...
View ArticleQuick question about Workbench (1 reply)
Hi, I have a project for school where I have to create ER designs. Is Workbench a standalone program? Like can I just download that and be able to use it straight away or do I need to install...
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