using Workbench to add "Extra".. (no replies)
Hi there: +-----------------+-------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |...
View Articlechapter 4 of mysql tutorial (1 reply)
Hi, I was able to successfully complete chapter 4 of the tutorial. I created a table, with: movie_id INT PK NN AI title VARCHAR(45) NN release_date DATE I created an EER diagram and saved the model. I...
View ArticleServer Administrator (no replies)
I cannot understaand why the Server Adminstrative Area will not show up in my Workbench Central. I have version Workbench 5.2.42 and MYSQL Server 5.5.27. I reinstalled twice but it still does not...
View ArticleMySQL client program MySQL Workbench 5.2 (no replies)
I am having a problem here with MySQL Workbench 5.2. I am able to connect to MySQL server on a Linux machine (Ubuntu) however the connection fails on Windows Vista and Windows 7 using exactly the same...
View ArticleMySQL client program MySQL Workbench 5.2 (no replies)
I am having a problem here with MySQL Workbench 5.2. I am able to connect to MySQL server on a Linux machine (Ubuntu) however the connection fails on Windows Vista and Windows 7 using exactly the same...
View ArticleWorkbench error line (4 replies)
Hi, I loaded a 3Mb SQL to Workbench. Running the script, it made some errors but didn't give me any info about what is the code line that error happened. How can I get the code line number that caused...
View ArticleUsing WHERE IN (4 replies)
I'm trying to execute an insert query where I do a select and select the records where userId is in the userIds I pass in. This works in the query editor: INSERT INTO Table1(DisciplineId, UserId)...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench closes unexpectedly (2 replies)
Hi all, I'm using MySQL Workbench (WB) since 2009 or 2010 and I really do like to use it in my Ubuntu 12.04, very usefull. Since I update it from 5.2.40 to 5.2.42, WB closes unexpectedly while I'm...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 5.2.43: Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser...
MySQL Workbench 5.2.43: Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser WB 5.2 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...
View Articleimport data from excel or text file (4 replies)
I would like to know is it possible to import my data from excel spreadsheet or text file in to MySQL database using Workbench? Your information and help is great appreciated,
View ArticleHELP NEEDED! (1 reply)
Hi everyone, installed mySQL, I try to open Workbench but windows says that workbench has stop working (before it opens). Then another window opens and says that a problem has occurred that stops the...
View ArticleWorkbench Version Conflict? (5 replies)
Hello, very new user here to MySQl/Workbench, and I seem to have run into a curiousity. If, in Workbench, I click "About" it notes that I have version 5.2.38. And, if I click, check for updates, it...
View ArticleConfigure shortcut keys (1 reply)
I find it terribly annoying that MySQL Workbench 5.2.42 doesn't adhere to platform standard shortcut keys. For instance, in Windows Ctrl+F4 is supposed to be closing a tab. But it's Ctrl+W...
View Articlemysql storage unit (no replies)
Hi all; why we don't used blocks (smiliar to oracle) in mysql? zack
View ArticleResult window size (no replies)
Hello, is there a way to force a height for the query result window? I don't know if Workbench remembers the height for every connection/database, or it's just random, but it is horrible. After one...
View ArticleMulti-query output in the same tab (3 replies)
I am considering making the switch from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL. A feature I sorely miss in MySQL Workbench is the capability to show the output of multiple queries within the same tab. This is...
View ArticleHard to see active database (2 replies)
I have several databases and I intend to work with dozens of code edit windows in MySQL Workbench, from different databases. How am I supposed to quickly see to what database a window belongs? There...
View ArticleQuick question about Workbench (1 reply)
Hi, I have a project for school where I have to create ER designs. Is Workbench a standalone program? Like can I just download that and be able to use it straight away or do I need to install...
View ArticleMultiple Output Tabs in Workbench (for Mac) (2 replies)
I just downloaded MySQL Workbench for the Mac. If I execute multiple queries I can see that multiple tabs get created in the output window, yet I can't seem to find a way to access anything except for...
View ArticleBackup database (1 reply)
I would like to backup database. Can I just copy the files or I need to use Workbench to export all SQL? Does Workbench support to schedule backup database daily or weekly? Your information and help...
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