MySQL-Workbench crash during statup on CentOS6 x64 (2 replies)
Hello, I have CentOS 6 x64 and just downloaded MySQL-Workbench (mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.36-1el6.x86_64.rpm) Installation goes ok. When trying to start (Applications -> Programming -> MySQL...
View ArticleMysql Workbench Problems (1 reply)
Hello mysql Guys, ich have actually a Problem with my Workbench after a reinstallation of my workbench it looks so : But i want that it look so:...
View Articlehelp me find a working windows binary install (2 replies)
I'm the dba for a small group of developers (15) and as we get ready to migrate the database to a higher level I'm confronted with the issue of the out of date mysql browser. I read that workbench is...
View ArticlePreferences Tab (1 reply)
Hi, how can I find the preferences tab which should be somewhere according chapter 5.4 I want to "fix": Error Code: 1175. You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE...
View ArticleCannot connect to database server (no replies)
Using MySQL installer I installed the complete developer package a couple of weeks ago. One day I accidentally shut down my laptop while the server was running (battery became disconnected) and when...
View ArticleProblems with Alter Table (no replies)
Hi there, I'm using Workbench 5.2.36 CE Revision 8542. OS is Windows 7 Home Premium SP1. I'm connecting to a remote MySQL server, version 5.0.77. I can connect fine, I can expand the table view in the...
View ArticleNeed help with exporting to HTML through code (no replies)
Hey there. Recently I've made a MySQL database that is hosted on a domain. I don't want to go into extremely explicit detail, but I use the MySQL database to store EVE Online mining data. I have a...
View ArticleError with importing database dump (1 reply)
Hello, I have a problem with import database dump. I used Data Export and Restore/Import from Disk/Import from Self-Contained File. I pointed to the database I have, and Start Import. I got this error...
View ArticleProblem with Create New Server Instance Profile (no replies)
I am trying to configure MySQL Workbench for use with MAMP (version 2.0.5) on a Mac OS 10.6. I have set the connection method as Local Socket/Pipe and the Socket/Pipe Path is...
View ArticleDon't see the tables any more (no replies)
When I first started to us MYSQL Workbench. When I connected to the server it would show me a listing of all the tables right after I connected to it. Then I would double click on the table and it...
View ArticleDifference between Log_Bin and SQL_Log_Bin? (no replies)
Hi all, What exactly is the difference between the log_bin and sql_log_bin variables? Which one should be enabled for replication? Thanks! V R Murthy Korimilli
View Articleunable to edit table (2 replies)
I am unable to edit table in workbench. After clicking on edit table, I selected the server and gave the table to edit. It shows me the data grid. But in the right bottom corner, it shows read-only....
View ArticleBottom menu lost in new version (no replies)
Hi. I upgraded to the latest version of MySQL Workbench, and when I started the new program, the bottom part of the screen had changed. Now I can't see my schemas and tables, nor the tabbed menu with...
View ArticleGet rows from .. to ... (no replies)
Hello, I'm currently working on an application that selects several variables from different relations with join operations. The problem is that there are like 10000 rows and it takes about 2 minutes...
View Articlecan't create 1st instance (no replies)
Hi, Installed mySQL Workbench successfuly, but can't get the 1st DB created with workbench. When I run 'new server Instance' -> using default config for local host, I get: Can't connect to MySQL...
View Article"Cannot Connect to DB Server" only via MySQL Workbench (no replies)
When I attempt to connect to my database from MySQL Workbench, I get the "Cannot Connect to Database Server" error. However, I can access it from the command line. If I go to "Manage Connection" and...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench workbench-en.pdf (no replies)
I am a complete newcomer to MySQL and MySQL Workbench and to start to understand the process I m following the "Getting Started" in the PDF as above. I have followed the process to create a...
View ArticleHow do I set root password on newly installed MySQL Workbench (1 reply)
I just installed MySQL Workbench on a local computer (Windows) using mysql-installer- During the install I was not prompted to set a password for the root account. Now I'm going through...
View Articleworkbench can't launch, access the path"c:\...\ db_utils.pyc was denied....
access the path "c:\program files\mysql\mysql workbench CE 5.2.35\db_utils.pyc was denied. windows 7 ultimate installed by"mysql-installer-" i think it is related with the windows 7's rights...
View ArticleMy 'General Log File' stopped logging. (no replies)
Long story short: Friday my General Log File Tab was working fine. Monday it is not. I was getting a constant error 'Unhanded exception: Error fetching log contents' After goggling around I noticed...
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