Unable To Connect To DB Using Workbench (2 replies)
I just installed MySQL WB on my Linux machine. When I attempt and test the connection, it fails and gives me the following error: [QUOTE]Failed to Connect to MySQL at with user...
View ArticleIssues with installation (.NET framework version and runtime) (2 replies)
Hi, I've been trying to install Workbench version 5.2.25, and have been running into some issues. I tried the MSI installer and the zip no-install version. 1st attempt: MSI installer .Net framework...
View ArticleEasy question: how am I to implement this? (1 reply)
Hi there, I need a help on drawing a sample db on workbench, in which there are 3 entities related to each other with 1 relation. for instance this one : http://i25.tinypic.com/240ya9c.png I could not...
View ArticleUNZIPPed ZIP file but can't find Install.exe (no replies)
I downloaded the current WINZIP file (5.2.25) and unzipped it but can not locate anything that looks like an install.exe to install it. How do I install it? (I'm running MS XP)
View ArticleMySQL Workbench Tutorial (3 replies)
Please could someone help me! I am trying to learn how to use MySQL to build a Database to use in my website. I downloaded: mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.25-win32.msi My hosting provider has this MySQL:...
View ArticleManaging connections Error message (no replies)
I am a 1st time learner. I am doing the tutorial in Chapter 4.1 of the 5.2 Manual (Doc Library Tutorial) and I'm stuck in the "Manage DB connections" section. Apparently I have the host name and port...
View ArticleAgain! 5.5.5 (no replies)
How do I use.... Workbench 5.2 with mysql 5.5.5 ? Admin cant setup.
View ArticleCopy of a database (13 replies)
I have just installed MySQL Workbench 5.2.25 CE and I want to do the easiest of things, create a duplicate version of an existing database, but having struggled for the last hour or so, I give up. All...
View ArticleCorrupetd MWB? it opens an old version, please HELP !!! (1 reply)
Hi! I'm really desesperate, I was working in my DB a few weeks ago, now when I want to continue with it, MySQLWorkbench opens an OLD version of my DB. I know the file was saved, and it was working,...
View ArticleHow do I use the Edit Table Data function? (1 reply)
Hi, I had installed MySQL Workbench on my Ubuntu V10.4. Using it, I can create table, insert data and query the created table. However, when I want to use the "Edit Table Data" feature instead of...
View ArticleImporting a Dump File (3 replies)
I am new to the mySQL and trying to use it to read a mySQL dump file that was given to me. I would like to do it using the workbench. Can anyone please provide some pointers? Thank you.
View ArticleWB 5.2.25 on Open SUSE 11.2 - SQL QUERY FONT Problem (1 reply)
Hi, I am testing now WB 5.2.25 on Open SUSE 11.2 and I have SQL QUERY FONT Problem. I just want to know how to ENLARGE font when I write SQL queries. For exapmle this one. SELECT * FROM...
View Articlehelp editing a table (2 replies)
Hi guys I am using MySQL workbench 5.2.25 on windows XP. My problem is that I cannot edit one of my tables. I am using an existing database and with most tables I can right click them in the object...
View ArticleData Dump Locks Up (1 reply)
I am trying in import data from a Windows MySQL server I have into a new Linux MySQL Cluster (7.1). I was successfully in exporting the data from the Windows server, clicking Dump Data and Export. I...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 5.2.26 (GA): Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query...
MySQL Workbench 5.2.26 (GA): Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser http://wb.mysql.com/?p=656 WB 5.2 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...
View ArticleHow to install mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.26 on CentOS 5.5 (1 reply)
Hi, I'm new to the Linux environment and I'm trying to install mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.26 on CentOS 5.5 which gives loads of missing dependencies. below is the error that i get. [root@PC28 Linux]# yum...
View ArticleIs it possible to convert my ER Diagram model to a schema? (1 reply)
my hard drive fail and my first mySQL database design with 70 tables was lost, and the only file I have is the ERD .mwb file. Is it possible to convert my ER Diagram model to a schema?
View ArticleUsing MySQL Workbench with XAMPP (no replies)
Using MySQL Workbench with XAMPP http://www.interconnectit.com/764/using-mysql-workbench-with-xampp/
View ArticleWB 5.2.25 on Open SUSE 11.2 -- Cannot see any objects from schema and Where...
Hi, I have this problem: 1. When I connect as root I can see all schemas and relevant objects there 2. I create schema world from script:( mysql web site ) I create user world to work with this schema...
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