How to enlarge the compiler's output area and adjust font size? (no replies)
Hi, I teach a MySQL course online using Workbench. I use Zoom to share my screen and practice queries with my students. I want to point out common mistakes by checking them together using the...
View Articlei can connect to mysql via LAM PRO but not with MySQL workbench (1 reply)
I can connected to MySQL with LAM PRO and Ldap is working fine. If i use the same username and Password with MySQL workbench i get Failed to Connect to MySQL at with user admin...
View Articlecollation drop down cut off still no answer? (no replies)
Still no answer on this question : When I create a new database and select a collation, I can't see the full collation name in the drop-down list as seen here
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 8.0.33 RHEL8 (no replies)
While trying to install 8.0.33, I noticed that there is only an RPM available for RHEL9, and not RHEL8. Trying to install the RHEL9 RPM on RHEL8 does not work due to dependency issues. RHEL8 is not...
View ArticleSlow first statement after connection to remote MySQL server (4 replies)
Workbench 8.0.34, MS Windows 10. Backend db mysql-community-server-5.7.43-1.el7.x86_64 When connecting to remote MySQL servers (from USA to Asia, via private 150 Mbps MPLS circuit) the first statement...
View ArticleError (no replies)
How can I solve this problem Authentication to host 'localhost' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Unknown database 'rtl'
View ArticleError Code: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that...
Hello everyone! I am not experienced, but I wrote a code line in sql to make a table in my database "datenbank", and I have the error code 1064 error: Could you tell me what is wrong? (I tried to pu a...
View Articleunable to access performance schema (no replies)
I am using aurora mysql 5.7, on rds I have enabled the performance_schema and I have connected the aurora mysql database with mysql workbench 6.3 but in workbench performance_schema is showing as...
View ArticleWich Preference is wrong (no replies)
My problem is probably because of the attitudes?! For each block of code I have to open a new tab; the separation of the code blocks and their separate execution does not work. An Example: CREATE...
View ArticleCannot Get Connection to Cloud Server MySQL Database (no replies)
I have mySQL workbench and server installation 8.0 I local workbench is working fine. I recent purchase a remote Cloud Server with mySQL capability. I have imported all of my local data from the the...
View ArticleSSL Wizard Not Installed (no replies)
In attempting to use the SSL Wizard, message "SSL Wizard not installed", "Check the environmental path...How would I get this installed.
View ArticleError Code: 2013. Lost connection to MySQL server during query (no replies)
Pulling my hair out with this one, very grateful if someone can help. I am running a MySQL local server on the laptop which runs as a service in the background and using it to develop a SNOMED...
View ArticleWhy my imported CSV file in MySQL workbench is empty or blank (no replies)
Hi everyone, I have created a database and tried uploading the CSV files to write queries. After importing the files, when I click on the table diagram next to the imported file on the right side . I...
View ArticleWhy my imported CSV file in MySQL workbench is empty or blank (no replies)
Hi everyone, I have created a database and tried uploading the CSV files to write queries. After importing the files, when I click on the table diagram next to the imported file on the right side . I...
View ArticleWorkbench diagrams crashes on every version on MacOs Sonoma (32 replies)
If I create a new diagram or open an existing mwb file, it crashes with the next log: ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) -------------------------------------...
View Article10:34:02 [ERR][ grt]: Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check...
Please Help this newbie. I created a EER Diagram of our business model in MySql Workbench. The Database Schema has all of the tables relationships and datatypes in it that I want to use in my AWS RDS...
View ArticleWorkbench from MacOS to Windows server (4 replies)
I have a Mac (ARM M1Pro, MacOS 14) running Windows 11 in Parallels. Can Workbench run in the Windows 11 environment (ARM, NOT in S-mode)? If not, I have other questions, but I'll wait for this answer....
View ArticlePartition clause not working (no replies)
Hi, I am using MYSQL workbench 8.0. I am trying to use partition by clasue in a query from a view or table i am getting the issue as mentioned below. my Query: select row_number over ( Partition by...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench Performance Dashboard (no replies)
Hello, My Performance Dashboard often gets scrambled when I am running more than 100 INSERTS/SELECTS/UPDATES per second. As the graph limit is set to 100, when going over the limit I get graphs drawn...
View ArticleWorkbench metadata lock (no replies)
Very often when I am connected to our prod DB, Workbench will silently run some kind of transaction that prevents DDL in completely different sessions on different hardware from acquiring a metadata...
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