My SQL do not give me the expected results (no replies)
UPDATE NewGame SET fVal1=0; Reports that 500 records were affected This is correct and expected SELECT f1st1 FROM NewGame; Selects 500 records When I Browse NewGame there is clearly a capital letter...
View ArticleCannot Input Data In The Table (no replies)
Hi, I've created 4 tables. In the 3 tables, I can input the data in the Dept, Employee, and Project table. I'm having a problem with my last table(Work) because I cannot input data in my table. What...
View ArticleTrouble connecting to database via SSH (3 replies)
Hi, I have a connection in mysql workbench that connects to a database via SSH The ssh url is set to the server url. while the database is a localhost database, i am using the same URL as the...
View ArticleSeeking Simple Data Warehouse Demo in Mysql (no replies)
I am trying to create a simple Data Warehouse for educational purposed and practice. I am new to this one and I am trying to learn. Is there a topic that exist here or a demo that I can use as...
View ArticleConversion mysql to .sql (1 reply)
My databases are all mysql. They are stored as databse directory, and database.frm, database.MYD, database.MYI. I need to convert tese to .sql in order to upload to another provider. Can anybody tell...
View ArticleWhich database i am using? (1 reply)
Greetings Which database in my blog is being used? Any expert help me. Thanks
View ArticleMySQL WorkBench Settings (1 reply)
Hi everyone, SQL Workbench newbie here. I'm trying to create some security guidance around data security with the MySQL Workbench client. I'm not finding too much in the way of setting client...
View Articlexpost from triggers: create before insert, mysqlworkbench: the object's DDL...
CREATE DEFINER = CURRENT_USER TRIGGER family2.family_members_BEFORE_INSERT BEFORE INSERT ON family_members FOR EACH ROW BEGIN select p.birth_date into new.person_join_date from people as p where...
View ArticleAccess denied for user 'root'@localhost (using password: YES) (1 reply)
Having installed MySQL server in my Win10 machine, I can successfully have my password validated at will when configuring settings in the installer. However, Workbench rejects the same password every...
View ArticleSlow Data Import Wizard (no replies)
Hello! I am experiencing incredibly slow download speeds when I import csv files using the Import Wizard. First I create an empty table with an auto incremental ID as the primary key, and the only...
View ArticleUnable to connect to localhost (4 replies)
Hi, I moved MySQL Workbench from version 6.3 to version 8.0. The connection to MySQL server 5.1.73 which worked with WB 6.3 now does not work with WB 8.0. Both with SSH connection and with TCP/IP. In...
View Articlecoinbase customer Service number. 𝟏:.800⥂392⥂1658 Number coinbaseToll Free...
Some of the things that you can do with the Coinbase are run a full system scan, perform a registry scan, delete invalid entries, and a junk file cleaner. In addition, you can update your virus...
View ArticleCoinbase support number { +1-(800) 540-7968} Tollfree Number for help in...
Coinbase support number { +1-(800) 540-7968} Tollfree Number for help in Coinbase Exchange. Our Some of the things that you can do with the Coinbase are run a full system scan, perform a registry...
View ArticleError 2068 suddenly appeared (2 replies)
I used this code last week and it worked, but now I am getting an error : Error Code: 2068. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file request rejected due to restrictions on access. LOAD DATA LOCAL infile...
View ArticleMySQLWorkbench is not opening on Windows Pro (2 replies)
Hi , I am using Windows 10 Pro After successful installation of MySql not able to launch MySql Workbench, getting below application error in event viewer Faulting application name:...
View ArticleUnable to choose DSN for MS Access DB Migration (no replies)
My purpose is to migrate Access DB (.mdb format) to MySQL DB. I've added User DSN using Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb) in "ODBC Administrator" panel (64-bit version), then trying to choose...
View ArticleMigration Wizard from Postgresql not working on Ubuntu (1 reply)
Hi I followed all the instructions at: And got /usr/local/lib/ compiled and loaded as ODBC driver However when...
View ArticleHow can I make MySQL Workbench look nice on mysql? (no replies)
I have to use MySQL Workbench for a course but it's just kind of ugly. First, it's very low resolution. I think Win10 installed the 32 bit version of Workbench when I installed MySQL. Either way, it...
View ArticleShortcut key (or keys) to switch to navigator in MySQL Workbench (no replies)
I was searching if there is any shortcut key or combination of keys that could be used to switch to navigator. I've used Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio in the past in which I would press Ctrl...
View ArticleGrecia (2 replies)
When opening my sql workbench it takes too long, it does not open the local instance my sql80, therefore it does not let me register in my database and that is why I can not execute my commands in my...
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