Channel: MySQL Forums - MySQL Workbench
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Server Administration: Load and Mem. (5 replies)

I can't see the graphical System Informations "Load" and "Mem.". Server health (connections usage, traffic, query cache, key efficiency) is o.k. Workbench: 5.2.34 CE Revision 7780 OS: Windows XP...

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Update query performance (1 reply)

Hi everybody, this is my first post on this forum but i hope my question will help other developer. I'm working on a amazon AWS linux machine, i've a big database with many table. One of those have...

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What are the user defined types? I want to use them in tables and stored...

You can find them e.g. in Model/User defined types (When MySQL model tab is opened and selected). I use Workbench 5.2.34 CE Revision 7780, on Windows Vista. A can't find information about user types...

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MySQL Workbench 5.2.35 (RC): Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query...

MySQL Workbench 5.2.35 (RC): Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser http://wb.mysql.com/?p=1140 WB 5.2 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...

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Query problem - joining two tables where col1<>col2 (no replies)

Hi all, I have two tables, a and B. table A holds a series of transactions of movements between locations, denoted by numbers. for example: FROM --> TO 1 -> 6 5 -> 7 7 -> 9 8 -> 11 11...

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my sql workbench (1 reply)

When my sql workbench will Windows supports 64-bit

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Change the background color in query tab... white is blinding (no replies)

Is there a way to change the background in the query tab? With a white background on my monitors its like trying to read the wattage rating on a light bulb with while its turned on. Bad eyes = large...

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EER not creating constraint (1 reply)

Hi all, I have imported and then modified a database schema into MySQL Workbench EER, It's very simple. Couple of tables and a few indexes. I have then created relationships identifying...

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Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) (1 reply)

Unfortunately this seems to be a common topic - but i havnt seen a relevant ans. Environment: MySql 5.3 + Win7 When testing a connection to MySql within MySQL Workbench, it fails with "Access denied...

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Can't import table (1 reply)

EDIT: Now I've go the notorious errno 150. I'm using Workbench 5.2.34 and server 5.5.15. I've created a database in Workbench, exported it as a .SQL, and am now trying to import it to the server, but...

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nOOb question on Workbench! (5 replies)

My hosting company recently upgraded their servers and have completely changed the way I can access my DBs. I was previously using phpMyAdmin but now that is unavailable. They have something called...

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Forward Engineer (2 replies)

Following instructions in Documents library: 4.2 step 16 (getting stated -> Creating Model -> "From the main menu select Database, Forward Engineer" "Forward Engineer" is Not there that I can...

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New to MySQL - trying to migrate old database to new (3 replies)

Hello All, I hope I will find some help here in this forum. I run a community website which was built on a custom code and database. I have now purchased and designed a new CMS software, and I want to...

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Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (no replies)

I'm facing an issue trying to log into a java application that I've created. Here are the steps that I've taken and what I'm able to do and unable to do: We currently have a joomla-php application...

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MySQL Workbench doesnot start (no replies)

I just installed MySQL Workbench 5.2.34 and everything went well. But I can't manage to start it. It shows no error message and no splash screen. I've tried to troubleshoot compatibility but with no...

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WorkBench vs Text in C (no replies)

HI all, I have a set of mysql instruction that i can run succesfully in workbench. i use the same text in my program in C, it fails. anything i should think of when i am designing instruction using...

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HQL tool to execute the HQL query (1 reply)

Hi All, We are using MYSQL database to store the data and using HQL to executing the query. Do you know any tool that I can use to that allow me to execute the HQL queries agaist mysql database and...

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MySQL Workbench: Plugins for PHP development (no replies)

MySQL Workbench: Plugins for PHP development http://mysqlworkbench.org/?p=1169

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MySQL Workbench 5.2.35: Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser...

MySQL Workbench 5.2.35: Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser http://www.mysqlworkbench.org/?p=1181 WB 5.2 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...

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User 'root' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 10) (no...

Dear all, I´m many nights trying to fix this problem, i don´t know how i can´t change in the server administration >> configuration >> option file >> networking >>...

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