MySQL Workbench - Access denied for user @ localhost (no replies)
First time user...Really sorry for the novice question but I am stuck. Just installed MySQL Workbench and have never used it before, followed instructions to the letter and I did have to try to...
View ArticleMySQL Tabs Cut Truncated Vertically in WorkBench (1 reply)
I'm currently running Workbench 8.0.18. All new SQL tabs are opening up cut in half so that the right side does not display, and I cannot scroll over to see or edit any text beyond where it's cut off....
View ArticleHow to close, open and move database files (no replies)
I am new at Mysql but I have managed to struggle through a video tutorial to build and query a database. I then wanted to try my hand on building my own but no matter what I do I can not hide or close...
View ArticleMySQLWorkbench Unsupported Operating System (no replies)
The dialog box shows up MySQL Workbench Unsupported Operating System You are running... There is an option to "Don't Show this message again." If you click that tik box where does it store it? I have...
View ArticleLost Connection - system error: 0 (1 reply)
My setup is Linux 18.04 with mysql-server 5.7.23 and mysql-workbench of 6.3. When trying to connect to the mysql-server on my localhost, I am receiving the following message: Could not connect: Lost...
View ArticleNot able to launch MySQL workbench 8.0 (no replies)
Hi, i have installed mysql workbench 8.0.18 and been using for few weeks. but out of sudden im not able to launch the workbench anymore. did not get any error messages. it just does not start/launch....
View ArticleMySQL Workbench (no replies)
Hi, I am trying to create a table with the following details create table staff ( id integer, last_name varchar(100), email varchar(200), gender varchar(10), department varchar(100), start_date date,...
View ArticleWhat version of workbench with MySQL Server 5.1 ? (no replies)
Hi Guy, an external company still uses MySQL Server version 5.1. What is the latest release of MySQL Workbench to use with such an old engine? Thank you.
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 8.0.19 Won't Open on Windows 10 (no replies)
I just downloaded and installed MySQL Workbench 8.0.19 (64bit) on my Windows 10 laptop but it will not open or launch. It starts and stops in about 1 second. When I first tried to install it on my...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 8.0.18 SSH Connectivity Error (no replies)
Running MySQL Workbench 8.0.18 on Windows 10 Using confirmed SSH credentials that are successful with SSH/SFTP Terminal Connectivity. However, when using the same SSH credentials in WorkBench...
View ArticleUpgrade my MySql Workbench 6.3.4 to 8.x fails in db connect (no replies)
I've been using MySql Workbench 6.3.4 for several years and decided to upgrade to 8.0.19. The upgrade works fine in that the application starts, i can see local table definitions and some ERDs. The...
View ArticleDatabase migration of SAP Hana DB (no replies)
I'm having problems setting up ODBC connection to SAP Hana DB for migration purposes with Mac OS X. I have successfully connected to SAP Hana DB using unixodbc (brew install unixodbc). Being new to...
View ArticleWorkbench autocomplete with using clause doesn't work (no replies)
I've been using WorkBench for years, and I keep getting annoyed when I try to use a 'using' clause for joins and autocomplete doesn't work. Generally autocomplete works fine but when I type: select *...
View Article'mysql_old_password' cannot be loaded (2 replies)
Attempting to access MySQL databases on a Linux server. I'm entering the correct username and password, but I believe the server is running an older version of MySQL. MySQL Workbench was just...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench not connecting to MS SQL Server for Migration (2 replies)
I am trying to use MySQL WB (v8.0.19CE) to migrate a Windows MS SQL Server to MySql running on a Mac. I have downloaded and installed (using brew) mssql-tools and msodbcsql17. I have tested the Server...
View ArticleError: Access denied for user XXX with passsword YES (no replies)
Hi, I am new to MySQL Workbench. I create a default connection - fine, but when I try to create a new connection (Janet): 1. It fails to save the password in the Vault, so that I have to enter it...
View ArticleAdding routines to a routine group - can't see my routines (no replies)
Hi Forum I'm new to MySQLWorkbench, running the latest version (v8.0.19 on Mac OSX 10.15). I've got two routines that exist in my physical schema when I look at the MySQL Model tab. I'm trying to...
View ArticleProtocol mismatch; server version = 11, client version = 10 (no replies)
I ask for help! Ubuntu server: version 19.10 MySQl: Server version: 8.0.19-0ubuntu0.19.10.3 (Ubuntu) SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%"; +--------------------------+-------------------------------+ |...
View ArticleHow to edit this table and add a user? (no replies)
I cannot figure out how to add a user to a table in workbench
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