Channel: MySQL Forums - MySQL Workbench
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Workbench does not move the screen down when start a newline (no replies)

Hi, I am using workbench 8.0.17 of MACOS community and It suddenly do not move the screen down when I start a newline to type the code which means I need to use my mouse to move the screen down or I...

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dbs don’t show tables in schema (no replies)

HI, pretty new to SQL, hence probably my amateur issue. I have downloaded a couple of databases and querried them, so that these show up on the left side in SCHEMAS. However, the tables in each...

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When connecting to Server 5.6: password hash should be a 41-digit hexadecimal...

Hi - I'm running Workbench 8.0.17, and when connecting to a MySQL 5.6 server as a user with an expired password, I get prompted to change my password ("Password for MySQL account blah expired. Please...

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foreign keys in MySQLWorkbench (3 replies)

I'm trying to set up a foreign key in the table [tblPIRlog] (the field is called "UIDcompany"). The FK is a Primary Key in the table [tblmycompanies]. The PK field is called "UIDmycompany". When I try...

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Is Aria engine still working in mySQL Workbench? (4 replies)

Hello everyone, I'm using mySQL Workbench, versione 8.0.17 , on Windows10; it allowed me to select the Aria Engine, but, when I ran the script, I got the following error : ERROR: Error 1286: Unknown...

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Not able to connect to DB from workbench after changing the root password...

I'm able to change the root password through command line. After that I'm not able to connect to the database from work bench. It's throwing the error message "Failed to connect to MySQL at...

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Lost Connection - system error: 0 (1 reply)

My setup is Linux 18.04 with mysql-server 5.7.23 and mysql-workbench of 6.3. When trying to connect to the mysql-server on my localhost, I am receiving the following message: Could not connect: Lost...

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Invalid Authentication Plugin (no replies)

Hi, I have problem with Workbench. When using "Server -> User and Privileges" I get the following message for each user: "Invalid Authentication Plugin: user xxxx@% has plugin type...

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how to hide page boundaries? (no replies)

How to hide the page boundary grey lines on the EER diagram canvas? They just add to the clutter.

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Cannot connect to Databse Server (3 replies)

I have a SQLyog software and can connect with my MySQL Database well, but this software (SQLyog) don't have permission configuration option. I installed the MySql Worckbench, but I can't connect in...

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MySQL Workbench 8.0.18 has been released (no replies)


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Forward Engineer fails when creating user (no replies)

I´m using server version: 8.0.17 MySQL Community Server - GPL and MySQL Workbench 8.0(Version 8.0.17 build 14960816 CE (64 bits) community). After creating a model with a single table and a user...

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MySQL 8.0.17 cannot connect to database (2 replies)

I have something strange happening after installing MySQL 8. I'm no longer able to connect to the networked server instance. We've not had this problem with V5.5 or 5.7. And we did a clean install of...

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Double click table name to query the table (no replies)

When you double click a table, it would be great to show the table data. I know there is an icon that will do that when you hover over a table, however, because I'm on a 4K monitor, the icon is so...

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CSV import after comparison of file with db (1 reply)

I have to import a CSV file into MySQL table. The file and the table have the same structure (columns and types of values). Is it possible to accomplish this import using Workbench, if the import goes...

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MySQL 5.7 Failed Connection "performance_schema.session_variables doesn't...

The latest MySQL Workbench fails to connect to my pre MySQL 8.0 database instances. Are there any solutions to this?

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Results Grid extremely slow/Locks up the whole program (no replies)

Hey everyone! I've been using MySQL Workbench for a few months now and love it. Unfortunately, I've only just realized after working on the go on my laptop, and getting a job where I'm working on...

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해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 (no replies)

해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 해외카지노 해외카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM...

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나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 (no replies)

나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 나인카지노 나인카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM...

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스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 (no replies)

스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM )ღ 스타카지노 스타카지노추천 ღ( OPA86。COM...

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