Management Configuration file (1 reply)
I know I am going to feel stupid, but after 6-7 years of using MySQL Workbench I still do not know how to move to the configuration file I am actually using. In Workbench/Management/Options File. When...
View ArticleDisabling Password Store (no replies)
Is anyone aware of a means to disable the ability to save passwords by MySQL Workbench? There are security concerns with having a 'local' password store on the Workbench platform. I understand that...
View ArticleRelease/Patch Notifications (no replies)
Is there a Mail Group that I can subscribe to be notified the release of Major or Minor Release (and Patche availability) for MySQL Workbench?
View ArticleMySQL Workbench failing on TCP/IP over SSH (no replies)
Going NUTSO - spent last 2 days trying to figure this out... I can SSH to my provider ( and access my MySQL databases with "mysql" commands using login credentials or using SSH public key...
View ArticleMigrate ONLY Stored procedures (w/o deleting data) (no replies)
Help appreciated. I have 2 servers (DS1, DS2) with 2 almost identical databases (DBX on DS1, DBX1 on DS2). I would like to copy the Stored Procedures from DBX on DS1 to DBX on DS2, using mySQL...
View ArticleEr Diagram (no replies)
Hello guys I'm new here.I got a little problem about my er diagram. Here is the code -- MySQL Workbench Forward Engineering SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; SET...
View ArticleHow to create and modify events in Workbeanch? (no replies)
When I switch to the Events page, right click it shows "Create Schema", and there is only a "Refresh" button in this page, how to create and modify events in Workbeanch? Thanks.
View ArticleCan't drag-n-drop tables to privilege object list (no replies)
When editing a role's privileges, the hint text on the right says 'Drag objects from physical schemata to the Objects list to give rights on it for this role'. But I can't get drag-n-drop to work. I...
View ArticleHow to see what diagram a table exist in? (no replies)
Is there a way to find out what Diagram that uses/contain/show a table? I am working on a larger project with over 500 tables and around 50 diagrams, and are trying to locate what diagram specific...
View ArticleHelp cardinality (no replies)
I would like to know if there is any practical difference in creating entities in the Workbench, I have now observed that the codes generated in 1: 1 relationships are equal to the codes in 1: n...
View Articlemysql workbench has stopped working (no replies)
When you run workbench, it will display 'Stopped' message and record error code 123. If you look at the log, it says "C: \ php / mysql-workbench-1052 /:" C: \ Users \ AppData \ Local \ Temp; Error...
View ArticleForward Engineering Schema Error (no replies)
First time User. Single User on my own Mac trying to creaate a database that I can do queries on. Created my schema model and trying to Export/Forward Engineer it to create the database. I get through...
View ArticleSorting the columns of a table by type (no replies)
Hello MySQL community, I am using the newest version of MySQL. When I look one of my DB table I would like to sort them by Datatype (to group them by Datatype) for exemple to see every column which...
View ArticleMySQL 8.0 Windows 10 Connection to local MySQL fails from Workbench (no replies)
Hi, I'm trying to get my newly installed Workbench to connect to my newly installed MySQL server. Windows 10, version 8.0. An attempt to connect hangs for a while, and then fails with: Lost connection...
View ArticleAdd 'Select All' when expoting database (no replies)
I wanna suggest an enhancement to workbench that includes adding a 'Select All' button to the export database functionality, which will make it easier to export all databases instead of selecting them...
View Articlechange server time zone in mysqlWorkbench (no replies)
Hi, I need to change timezone in Mysql Workbench 6.3. cause I got an exception from my java code when I tried to connect with my server. exception: java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value...
View Articlefresh install problem (1 reply)
Hello, I have used mysql for sometime but this one error is a new one. I've never seen it want a caching_sha2_password basically it is a fresh install that I downloaded the latest version using the...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 8.0 (no replies)
View ArticleNew Database set up (no replies)
Hi I have MySQL Workbench installed and I want to set up a local database but I dont know how to. Please can someone help me or point me in the right direction? Thanks
View Articlemysqldump cannot specify 'default-character-sett (no replies)
When exporting a database using the data export tool, it sets the following flag on mysqldump: --default-character-set=utf8. This causes my databases (which are utf8mb4) to not be dumped properly....
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