Forward Engineer does not put record in database (no replies)
Dear Sirs and Madams! In my db I've created new table and filled inserted the records through Workbench Inserts feature. Once I run Forward Engineer command, the data are not placed in db. What could...
View ArticleVeiwing Ruby on RAils DB in workbench. (no replies)
Hi I am new to MYSQL and Mac and i was wondering if anyone knows how i can view and edit my RoR application DB through MYSQL Workbench? can some one give me a step by step guide on how to do this...
View ArticleVeiw RoR applications MYSQL DB in Workbench (no replies)
Hi I am new to MYSQL and Mac and i was wondering if anyone knows how i can view and edit my RoR application DB through MYSQL Workbench(the database is a MYSQL DB ofcourse)? can some one give me a step...
View ArticleWorkbench broke MySql (2 replies)
Running on Ubuntu 10.04 - mysql functioning correctly. I installed mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.30-1ubu1004-i386.deb. After installing the Workbench I could no longer access mysql though command prompt -...
View ArticleWB 5.2.3 Lost connection during query (1 reply)
I am fresh to WB and it seems great so far. I am trying to find something suitable to mssql managment console and this is the best i have found. However i have run into one annoyance after spending 2...
View ArticleReverse engineer an sql dump? (no replies)
Is it possible to reverse engineer a MySQL dump into workbench? cheers.
View ArticleDoes "Create EER Model from SQL Script" work with DDL file? (no...
I have written (outside of Workbench) an DDL script with some CREATE TABLE instructions. Now I want to import them into MySQL Workbench and let WB create automatically a diagram from that. When I...
View Articlewhere to I find and download "Migration Toolkit"? (no replies)
Where to I find and download "Migration Toolkit"? I am having difficulty finding it. Has its functionality been folded into the "Workbench"? I did a search on the downloads page, but the results page...
View ArticleWhere MySQL Workbench stores scripts/db? (1 reply)
Hi all. I'm facing a little trouble here. I'm transfering all my source file from an HD to another one. All my .NET files, images, libraries, everything I could move but my sql scripts. Where does...
View ArticleReverse Engineer MySQL Create Script Disabled (2 replies)
Hi there, I've been using MySql Workbench for a while now but have never been able to import a SQL file into a database. When I go to "File" > "Import" - the "Reverse Engineer MySQL Create Script"...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench 5.2.31 (GA): Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query...
MySQL Workbench 5.2.31 (GA): Upgrade from MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser WB 5.2 includes: - Model (upgrade from DBDesigner) - Query (upgrade from MySQL Query...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench: Utilities (Python Scripts for DBAs) (no replies)
MySQL Workbench: Utilities (Python Scripts for DBAs) - Docs: - Download: MySQL Workbench: Introducing Utilities (using stand-alone...
View ArticleAutolayout issue. (2 replies)
Grus Gott, I have a Width=2 and Height=1 diagram, which I set at (Model>>Diagram properties and size..). I want to do the autolayout on both pages but when I press (Arrange>>Autolayout) my...
View Articledatabase created in workbench is not shown using "show databases"...
Hello all I am new here and want to learn mysql I had created a database in workbench but it is not being shown when I type the "show databases" command on the mysql prompt instead it shows mysql>...
View ArticleChange Workbench Colors? (1 reply)
I am a low-vision user of Workbench and it's very difficult to use the program with the default background, text, etc. colors. In most other apps, I normally use a high-contrast color scheme with a...
View ArticleMySQL Workbench: Remote Admin on Microsoft Windows (no replies)
MySQL Workbench: Remote Admin on Microsoft Windows MySQL Workbench: Remote Administration using SSH to Windows Server...
View Articleno primary key defined (no replies)
ERROR: "table data is not editable because there is no primary key defined for the table" Through an option, is it possible to avoid this error without defining a primary key? Other GUIs allow table...
View Articleabout workbench (1 reply)
I found all the versions of workbench are for windows x86/32 bit os. i did not find one for 64bit. so will 64bit windows os support the file ie developed for x86/32 bit os. thanks
View ArticleForward Engineer CREATE script doesn't create primary keys? (2 replies)
I got a .mwb file from an old version (5.1.18), and am using it on 5.2.31 -- the data is still there in the viewer, but when I forward engineer the create script (comparing to the old 5.1.19 sql...
View ArticleWhere do I get old versions of GPL MySQL workbench? (1 reply)
I want version 5.1.18-1 MSI installer for windows. However mirrors like this one: only show the OSS edition, which won't import .mwb files...
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