AWS RDS MySQL connections (no replies)
Hi, My standard way of connecting is to use a Putty session to logon to a diff server and "tunnel" through to my MySQL instance and connect from there. How do i achieve the same in WorkBench? I have...
View ArticleMac -> ssh host1 -> ssh host2 -> mysql -h host3 (1 reply)
I have a situation where I have to go through 2 bastion (jump boxes) to even be able to log into my MySQL DB instance. I was able to configure Workbench to connect through one SSH host, but I could...
View ArticleWhere is the source code? (1 reply)
I followed the link from the instructions to build using Linux, but this link forwarded to a marketing page ( and no source code repository...
View Articleabout how do I move my database from c drive to different drive (1 reply)
I'm using mysql 5.7 and workbench 6.3 ce and I used community installer. But I was wondering if that link...
View ArticlePREPARE stmt syntax error ''' (no replies)
Hello, I need help clearing a syntax error on a my PREPARE stmt line. Here is my full scrip: SET @TS = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y_%M_%D'); SET @FOLDER = 'c:/logs/test/sta07_'; SET @EXT = '.csv'; SELECT...
View ArticleSSH Tunneling failure when connecting to MySQL (1 reply)
Hi, I installed the MySQL Workbench on my macOS Sierra, and trying to connect to the MySQL RDS instance(private subnet) by an public EC2 through SSH tunneling(which named as "Standard TCP/IP over SSH"...
View ArticleMalformed Packet error when connecting to remote database (no replies)
I get Malformed Packet error when attempting to connect to a remote MySQL server, with Workbench 6.3.9. I know the port is opened and available for connecting. I am able to connect via linux...
View Articledescrypt using select statement (no replies)
Hi, Anyone can help on how to descrypt using select statement; input row: descrypt_column YjBhNjY5MzE3MWQ4ZDJmOR89/ChuhaRG0gOVBlfHmPmJ3SbZfsKJhCOOPrs98ui0...
View ArticleAccess Migration one to many relationship (no replies)
I am new to MySQL. I have migrated an Access database to MySQL that is running on SME Server. I connected my Access Front End to MySQL through ODBC. That works fine, but through the migration (using...
View ArticleOSX LOCAL Not Enabling (no replies)
I've installed mySQL Workbench on osx El Capitan 10.11.6 for School. I tried this: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/Customer.csv' INTO TABLE Customer FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; the Word LOCAL has a red...
View Articledata loss after importing blob data (4 replies)
Hello , This is mounika. I am enough experienced in using mysql workbench. Recently i am facing a problem with blob data. My task is to export the table containing blob data and import that dump back...
View ArticleProblem displaying Object Selection in Data Export ver. 6.3.9 (no replies)
Hello Since I updated to ver. 6.3.9, I have trouble in Manage > Data Export > Object Selection Due probably to a redesign of GUI. Description: in the "Tables to export" section, the spacer has...
View ArticleDepurar query (1 reply)
Buenas! estoy trabajando con base de datos y tengo una query que devuelve muchisimos resultados, entonces tengo que rehacerla para que devuelva menos, pero no doy con la tecla, ¿me podríais ayudar?...
View ArticleScripting (no replies)
Hello, I'm looking for software that when writing a Mysql script automatically retrieves to a file: - The names of the created tables - Comments related to this table Thank you. JFP
View ArticleMySQL Workbench won't start on Wndows 10 (no replies)
Been using MySQL Workbench for a while and now it won't start. It starts a process but nothing happens.
View ArticleNEWBIE - need help find the relationships (1 reply)
Newbie to MYSQL. I have an existing mysql database from which I need to extract data to port to another solution I need to get a good grasp of the data, especially the existing relationships BUT... I...
View ArticleGenerated Columns (no replies)
I am trying to create a generated column, but I keep getting the error message, e.g. "Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version...
View ArticleWindows blue scren - Scheama Privilages (no replies)
Clean install of Windows 10 and then MySQL WorkBench 6.3.9 Everything seems to be working with one fatal exception. Launch Workbench, connect to local instance, then click on Server/Users and...
View ArticleQuery Language Translation Tables (no replies)
I am attempting to query a table that has to foreign keys (i.e. VendorID and ProductID). In the related tables, there is a localizationID that corresponds to a longtext value in the language...
View ArticleHow could I connect to my MySQL (no replies)
Hi all! I want to connect to MySQL from my pc to my VPS Database. But it says: Failed to connect - error 10060 Anyone that could help me :D? Kind regards!
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