we currently have a system with laptops in an educational setting where the students login on windows and the %AppData% folder is set to a network drive. The My SQL Workbench now uses this path to store all of the settings, logs and cache files into the folder (as documented here https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-configuring-files.html). Now because we are working on a network drive this will cause the workbench to not work fluently and this disrupts the courses massively, since the students cannot properly work with the workbench because a simple database query often takes seconds to minutes to start executing against the database.
Is it possible to change the default path so My SQL Workbench uses a different folder?
we currently have a system with laptops in an educational setting where the students login on windows and the %AppData% folder is set to a network drive. The My SQL Workbench now uses this path to store all of the settings, logs and cache files into the folder (as documented here https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-configuring-files.html). Now because we are working on a network drive this will cause the workbench to not work fluently and this disrupts the courses massively, since the students cannot properly work with the workbench because a simple database query often takes seconds to minutes to start executing against the database.
Is it possible to change the default path so My SQL Workbench uses a different folder?