Hi there com!
I have this message from MySQL, RuntimeError: "Target host is configured as Windows, but seems to be a different OS. Please review the conection settings." But I have Windows 10. I had been using MySQL Workbench before but now it seems to have problems connecting to the server...it says also: "Unhandled exception: Current profile has no WMI enabled. Check the log for more details."
I reinstalled the program, but the problem keeps on going on...
I can't find a solution.
Thx for your help.
I have this message from MySQL, RuntimeError: "Target host is configured as Windows, but seems to be a different OS. Please review the conection settings." But I have Windows 10. I had been using MySQL Workbench before but now it seems to have problems connecting to the server...it says also: "Unhandled exception: Current profile has no WMI enabled. Check the log for more details."
I reinstalled the program, but the problem keeps on going on...
I can't find a solution.
Thx for your help.