Having trouble with mysql workbench trying to backup a mysql database from an EC2 server.
I can connect fine and I can see the databases
From the left hand panel if I click into schemas , databases, tables I can see al the tables. I can even run a query to show the data
BUT when I click on export I can see the databases in the Tables to Export window, If I select the database no objects appear on the right shchema objects window.
It will still allow me to run the export but I get LOADS of errors..all similar
18:47:47 [WRN][wb_admin_export.py:process_db:277]: Task exited with code 2
18:47:47 [ERR][wb_admin_export.py:process_db:251]: Error from task: mysqldump: Got error: 1129: Host 'xx.xx.xx.x' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' when trying to connect
Any clues ?
Having trouble with mysql workbench trying to backup a mysql database from an EC2 server.
I can connect fine and I can see the databases
From the left hand panel if I click into schemas , databases, tables I can see al the tables. I can even run a query to show the data
BUT when I click on export I can see the databases in the Tables to Export window, If I select the database no objects appear on the right shchema objects window.
It will still allow me to run the export but I get LOADS of errors..all similar
18:47:47 [WRN][wb_admin_export.py:process_db:277]: Task exited with code 2
18:47:47 [ERR][wb_admin_export.py:process_db:251]: Error from task: mysqldump: Got error: 1129: Host 'xx.xx.xx.x' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' when trying to connect
Any clues ?