Using MySQL 8.0, I am modifying a column to be generated. So I drop the column, then re-add it as generated, with a fairly complex formula. Basically, creating a Heading column based on columns FirstName, LastName, SpouseName and SpouseLastName. The formula works, and when I query the table, the new generated column displays properly.
However, when I try to view the table definition in Workbench, I get an error saying "Error parsing DDL for <TableName>". It lets me view the DDL, and I do see errors there, mostly related to empty column values such as the following:
`Heading` varchar(509) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci GENERATED ALWAYS AS (concat(if(((`UseTitle` = 0) or (`Title` is null)),_utf8mb3'',concat(`Title`,_utf8mb3' ')), `DonorFirstName`,_utf8mb3' ',`DonorLastName`)) VIRTUAL,
The error shows where it says " _utf8mb3'' ". I put in the empty value, but I did not put in the _utf8mb3. That got put in automatically. When it says " _utf8mb3' ' " (with a space), it does not cause the error. Only empty string causes the error.
Since the changes work, and the generated column works properly, is the issue with Workbench itself?
However, when I try to view the table definition in Workbench, I get an error saying "Error parsing DDL for <TableName>". It lets me view the DDL, and I do see errors there, mostly related to empty column values such as the following:
`Heading` varchar(509) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci GENERATED ALWAYS AS (concat(if(((`UseTitle` = 0) or (`Title` is null)),_utf8mb3'',concat(`Title`,_utf8mb3' ')), `DonorFirstName`,_utf8mb3' ',`DonorLastName`)) VIRTUAL,
The error shows where it says " _utf8mb3'' ". I put in the empty value, but I did not put in the _utf8mb3. That got put in automatically. When it says " _utf8mb3' ' " (with a space), it does not cause the error. Only empty string causes the error.
Since the changes work, and the generated column works properly, is the issue with Workbench itself?