I am facing a problem with a Python plugin UI that randomly changes the MForms panel/box indent on subsequent dialog displays.
When executing the plugin a dialog is displayed:
This is the correct rendering (the _ _ before the sub check boxes is just to show there is some intended indent).
Now closing the dialog and redisplaying the dialog results in random indents for all 4 sub boxes below the one with the dropdown box:
Wrongly rendered dialogs:
Notice the random left indents with all other images.
What's wrong here? Why is this happening?
Here's the code for a full example. You only have to hook this into a Python plugin:
Can the team please look into this issue?
I have no idea why this is happening and the code looks correct to me.
Here's a plugin stub:
Please help.
I am facing a problem with a Python plugin UI that randomly changes the MForms panel/box indent on subsequent dialog displays.
When executing the plugin a dialog is displayed:
This is the correct rendering (the _ _ before the sub check boxes is just to show there is some intended indent).
Now closing the dialog and redisplaying the dialog results in random indents for all 4 sub boxes below the one with the dropdown box:
Wrongly rendered dialogs:
Notice the random left indents with all other images.
What's wrong here? Why is this happening?
Here's the code for a full example. You only have to hook this into a Python plugin:
def ask_for_options(): # main tab main_bx = create_relationships_box() # build tab view main_tv = TabView(False) main_tv.add_page(main_bx, 'Relationships') main_tv.set_active_tab(0) main_tv.relayout() # buttons export_btn = Button() export_btn.set_text('Export') cancel_btn = Button() cancel_btn.set_text('Cancel') # button box buttons_bx = Box(True) buttons_bx.set_spacing(5) buttons_bx.set_padding(3) # uses OS-specific positioning Utilities.add_end_ok_cancel_buttons(buttons_bx, export_btn, cancel_btn) # main + button boxes content_bx = Box(False) content_bx.set_spacing(5) content_bx.set_padding(5) content_bx.add(main_tv, True, True) content_bx.add(buttons_bx, False, True) # create centered options dialog form = Form(None, FormDialogFrame) form.set_title('Export Options') form.set_content(content_bx) form.set_size(500, 260) form.center() all_valid = False # check validity on return while not all_valid and form.run_modal(export_btn, cancel_btn): all_valid = True form.close() # needed? return all_valid def create_relationships_box(): collection_full_class_name_se = Selector() # collection class name (x-to-many) collection_full_class_name_bx = Box(True) collection_full_class_name = Label('Default collection class for @XToMany:') collection_full_class_name.set_wrap_text(False) collection_type_names = ['Set', 'Collection', 'List', 'Map'] collection_full_class_name_se.add_items(collection_type_names) collection_full_class_name_se.set_value(collection_type_names[0]) collection_full_class_name_bx.add(collection_full_class_name, False, True) collection_full_class_name_bx.add(collection_full_class_name_se, False, True) # special collection mapping annotations special_collection_mappings_bx = Box(True) special_collection_mappings_ck = CheckBox() special_collection_mappings_ck.set_text('Detect special collection mapping annotations in foreign key comments') special_collection_mappings_ck.set_active(True) special_collection_mappings_bx.add(special_collection_mappings_ck, False, True) # special collection mapping writablility writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_bx = Box(True) writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_ck = CheckBox() writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_ck.set_text('Put writable onto @OrderColumn or @MapKeyColumn if detected') writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_ck.set_active(True) # add dummy indentation add_indentation_to(writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_bx) # dummy indentation label writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_bx.add(writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_ck, False, True) # join tables pure_join_tables_bx = Box(True) pure_join_tables_as_many_to_many_ck = CheckBox() pure_join_tables_as_many_to_many_ck.set_text('Map pure join tables as @ManyToMany + @JoinTable') pure_join_tables_as_many_to_many_ck.set_active(True) pure_join_tables_bx.add(pure_join_tables_as_many_to_many_ck, False, True) # join table order columns join_table_special_collection_mappings_bx = Box(True) join_table_special_collection_mappings_ck = CheckBox() join_table_special_collection_mappings_ck.set_text('Consider special collection mapping annotations for pure join table detection') join_table_special_collection_mappings_ck.set_active(True) # add dummy indentation add_indentation_to(join_table_special_collection_mappings_bx) # dummy indentation label join_table_special_collection_mappings_bx.add(join_table_special_collection_mappings_ck, False, True) collection_mapping_bx = Box(False) collection_mapping_bx.set_spacing(2) collection_mapping_bx.set_padding(3) collection_mapping_bx.set_homogeneous(True) collection_mapping_bx.add(collection_full_class_name_bx, False, True) collection_mapping_bx.add(special_collection_mappings_bx, False, True) collection_mapping_bx.add(writable_on_order_or_map_key_column_bx, False, True) collection_mapping_bx.add(pure_join_tables_bx, False, True) collection_mapping_bx.add(join_table_special_collection_mappings_bx, False, True) collection_mapping_pn = Panel(TitledGroupPanel) collection_mapping_pn.set_title('Collection Mapping') collection_mapping_pn.add(collection_mapping_bx) tab_bx = Box(False) tab_bx.set_spacing(3) tab_bx.set_padding(3) tab_bx.add(collection_mapping_pn, False, True) return tab_bx def add_indentation_to(bx): """Add a (somewhat faked) indentation label to a box.""" bx.add(Label('_ _'), False, True)
Can the team please look into this issue?
I have no idea why this is happening and the code looks correct to me.
Here's a plugin stub:
@ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.catalog.util.custom_plugin", caption="Custom Plugin...", input=[wbinputs.currentCatalog()], pluginMenu='Catalog') @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_Catalog) def custom_plugin(catalog): print "Executing custom_plugin(catalog)..." ask_for_options() return 0
Please help.