Hi I am getting following error while migrating data from SQL server 2012 to MySQl56 I have even tried with UTF8 character set but still persisting with the same error any help in this regards is highly appreciated
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [unknown] 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=***;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=XXX'
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=***;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=' opened
8 total rows in 1 tables need to be copied:
- [X].[dbo].[ct_author]: 8
Determine number of rows to copy finished
Copy data to target RDBMS....
Migrating data...
wbcopytables.exe --odbc-source="DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=***;TDS_VERSION=7.2" --target="root@localhost:3306" --progress --passwords-from-stdin --thread-count=1 --source-rdbms-type=Mssql --table-file=c:\users\ ~1.des\appdata\local\temp\2\tmpo_bfxm
Loading table information from file c:\users\ ~1.des\appdata\local\temp\2\tmpo_bfxm
`X`.`ct_author`:Copying 8 columns of 8 rows from table [X].[dbo].[ct_author]
ERROR: `X`.`ct_author`:Error during charset conversion of wstring: No error
ERROR: `X`.`ct_author`:Failed copying 8 rows
--table [X] [dbo].[ct_author] `X` `ct_author` [id] `id` [id], [author_name], [author_designation], [author_profile], [author_picture], [author_status], CAST([author_link] as NVARCHAR(255)) as [author_link], [weight]
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [Mssql] 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=tdgdba;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=XXX'
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=tdgdba;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=' opened
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
04:01:22 [WRN][ copytable]: 1324 characters could not be converted to UTF-8 during copy
04:01:23 [INF][ copytable]: Re-enabling triggers for schema 'X'
04:01:23 [INF][ copytable]: No triggers found for 'X'
Copy helper has finished
Data copy results:
- `X`.`ct_author` has FAILED (0 of 8 rows copied)
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [unknown] 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=***;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=XXX'
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=***;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=' opened
8 total rows in 1 tables need to be copied:
- [X].[dbo].[ct_author]: 8
Determine number of rows to copy finished
Copy data to target RDBMS....
Migrating data...
wbcopytables.exe --odbc-source="DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=***;TDS_VERSION=7.2" --target="root@localhost:3306" --progress --passwords-from-stdin --thread-count=1 --source-rdbms-type=Mssql --table-file=c:\users\ ~1.des\appdata\local\temp\2\tmpo_bfxm
Loading table information from file c:\users\ ~1.des\appdata\local\temp\2\tmpo_bfxm
`X`.`ct_author`:Copying 8 columns of 8 rows from table [X].[dbo].[ct_author]
ERROR: `X`.`ct_author`:Error during charset conversion of wstring: No error
ERROR: `X`.`ct_author`:Failed copying 8 rows
--table [X] [dbo].[ct_author] `X` `ct_author` [id] `id` [id], [author_name], [author_designation], [author_profile], [author_picture], [author_status], CAST([author_link] as NVARCHAR(255)) as [author_link], [weight]
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Opening ODBC connection to [Mssql] 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=tdgdba;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=XXX'
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: ODBC connection to 'DSN=DEV;DATABASE=;UID=tdgdba;TDS_VERSION=7.2;PWD=' opened
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connecting to MySQL server at localhost:3306 with user root
04:01:22 [INF][ copytable]: Connection to MySQL opened
04:01:22 [WRN][ copytable]: 1324 characters could not be converted to UTF-8 during copy
04:01:23 [INF][ copytable]: Re-enabling triggers for schema 'X'
04:01:23 [INF][ copytable]: No triggers found for 'X'
Copy helper has finished
Data copy results:
- `X`.`ct_author` has FAILED (0 of 8 rows copied)