I need to create to visualize some tables relationship in a diagram.
I use MySql and the MySql Workbench (v6.3). I have a current connection and I ant to see my database tables in a EER diagram like Workbench is supposed to open/create: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-vertical-toolbar.html
But online Oracle documentation seems to be obsolete, for the v5, not for the v6 of workbench, so I wonder if anyone already could build that kind of diagrams in the 6th version of mySql Workbench and how...
I can only create new diagrams via File=>NewModel, but no idea how to generate a diagram from existing database or at least add existing table to a newly created diagram
I use MySql and the MySql Workbench (v6.3). I have a current connection and I ant to see my database tables in a EER diagram like Workbench is supposed to open/create: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-vertical-toolbar.html
But online Oracle documentation seems to be obsolete, for the v5, not for the v6 of workbench, so I wonder if anyone already could build that kind of diagrams in the 6th version of mySql Workbench and how...
I can only create new diagrams via File=>NewModel, but no idea how to generate a diagram from existing database or at least add existing table to a newly created diagram