Dear all,
I'm trying to build workbench on my lap-top 32 bit architecture running fedora 21 because only the 64 bit rpm version exists. This beacuase I need to continue the developmente at home on my lap-tip, while the server (64 bit fedora 21) is at work.
After correcting a lot of errors mainly due to different location of include files (adding simbolic links to the right locations) and after installing a lt of missing libtaries, finally I have a clean Cmake Makefile build. But running the Makefile, it creates a lot of errors at compiling time. Eroors that are different depending the linìbraries ised (the most tycical i related to gtk version to use...1.2, 2.0 or 3.0 ?)
How to build in a clean way workbench for fedora 21?
Note...errors are so many and so complex, taht I tink the problem is elsewhere....
I'm trying to build workbench on my lap-top 32 bit architecture running fedora 21 because only the 64 bit rpm version exists. This beacuase I need to continue the developmente at home on my lap-tip, while the server (64 bit fedora 21) is at work.
After correcting a lot of errors mainly due to different location of include files (adding simbolic links to the right locations) and after installing a lt of missing libtaries, finally I have a clean Cmake Makefile build. But running the Makefile, it creates a lot of errors at compiling time. Eroors that are different depending the linìbraries ised (the most tycical i related to gtk version to use...1.2, 2.0 or 3.0 ?)
How to build in a clean way workbench for fedora 21?
Note...errors are so many and so complex, taht I tink the problem is elsewhere....