Hope you can help me out here. I have a source MSSQL database on one server, a target MySQL db on another server and I'm using Workbench 6.3CE on a client machine to migrate the bits that I need from source to target.
Then I have a script file to merge some tables in the target db in prep for a web app I have written. The data in the source db changes on a regular basis so I need to redo the migration and prep work regularly as well.
My Google-Fu is letting me down so...
My Question: is there a way to schedule / automate this at all? Perhaps in Workbench or using Windows Task Scheduler?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hope you can help me out here. I have a source MSSQL database on one server, a target MySQL db on another server and I'm using Workbench 6.3CE on a client machine to migrate the bits that I need from source to target.
Then I have a script file to merge some tables in the target db in prep for a web app I have written. The data in the source db changes on a regular basis so I need to redo the migration and prep work regularly as well.
My Google-Fu is letting me down so...
My Question: is there a way to schedule / automate this at all? Perhaps in Workbench or using Windows Task Scheduler?
Thanks in advance for any help!