Is there a time limit on how long Workbench (6.1.6) waits before when loading the schema before declaring 'tables could not be fetched'.
I am in the process of moving my connections from Query Browser to Workbench, but having loaded the connections for our remote site, I am getting the above query whenever I load the schema. This also applies to Views/Procedures/Functions.
The connection is slow by virtue of the Database being in another country, however Query Browser never had any issues displaying the tables.
I can still run queries OK if I type them in.
It is just starnge that I can't see any tables?
I am in the process of moving my connections from Query Browser to Workbench, but having loaded the connections for our remote site, I am getting the above query whenever I load the schema. This also applies to Views/Procedures/Functions.
The connection is slow by virtue of the Database being in another country, however Query Browser never had any issues displaying the tables.
I can still run queries OK if I type them in.
It is just starnge that I can't see any tables?