I want to connect to a mysql server that is ssl enabled using the manage connections in mysql workbench. I am aware of the setup in workbench to use ssl according to this document. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-manage-db-connections-standard.html
This alone does not do anything. Using wireshark, it shows that the packets are not ssl enabled.
The mysql server i want to connect to is ssl enabled and i verified this by starting a mysql connection from a command prompt using this command:
c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysql --ssl-key=C:/location/my
sql_ssl_key/server-mysql-client-key.pem --ssl-cert=C:/location/mysql_ssl_
key/server-mysql-client-cert.pem -h server.company.com -u user-p
This connects and uses ssl. What do I need to do so workbench can use ssl when connecting to this server?
This alone does not do anything. Using wireshark, it shows that the packets are not ssl enabled.
The mysql server i want to connect to is ssl enabled and i verified this by starting a mysql connection from a command prompt using this command:
c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysql --ssl-key=C:/location/my
sql_ssl_key/server-mysql-client-key.pem --ssl-cert=C:/location/mysql_ssl_
key/server-mysql-client-cert.pem -h server.company.com -u user-p
This connects and uses ssl. What do I need to do so workbench can use ssl when connecting to this server?